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FerrumCrow finished Panicore
‣ 6/10 – In-game mics pick up farts.

‣ Thoughts: Here comes yet another game that tries to capitalize on the Lethal Company hype. It has open mic features, co-op mechanics and scary monsters. A recipe for success these days, but does it pull it off? Not quite.

For 5$ this game is exactly what you should expect: a quick, mechanically shallow dose of dopamine and fear with your friends on a late evening. It won’t take you long to beat all the available maps and get desensitized to the monsters, because they are too easy to deal with. Gameplaywise there are no real options to deal with the threats beyond running in circles, throwing bricks that do little to nothing or hiding in specific areas. The entire game is surrounded around finding specific items and unlocking ways to escape the maps. The real value of this experience comes from making fart sounds and baiting the monster to get your friends and later on hearing them scream their lungs out. This isn’t necessarily a bad game, but it does nothing to feel unique or stand out. The enemy AI is horrible and their insta kill behavior makes the game feel slow and boring if you are bad at navigating the maps. Gathering items for the exits is tedious and does not feel that rewarding.

All in all, considering the price of the game this is totally fine and a quick fun horror experience, but it can be so much more. I hope the developers keep working on this and grow it into something more in the upcoming months. Because the foundation is solid, and the gameplay loop is enticing.

2 hrs ago

FerrumCrow reviewed Sky: Children of the Light
‣ 7/10 – Sky is not the limit here.

‣ Thoughts: It is impressive how big the scale of this game is considering that it’s mostly free. There are plenty of collectibles to get and side quests to do. That doesn’t mean that the core gameplay around these tasks is impressive or complex.

On the surface Sky is just Journey but five times longer. You may take that as a compliment or a recipe for a very mundane and boring game. The reason why Journey is memorable is because the game is short. Sky aims to create a live-service game based around the community but builds the foundation around exploring big areas with little to no gameplay. For the most part it works, but due to the poor movement design any experimental areas feel bad to play and get tedious quick. However, I do commend the developers for creating unique side quests and giving people stuff to do. I just wish the game didn’t hold your hand so much.

Overall, there is no reason NOT to try this game, since it is free, and you can complete it without spending a penny. My only complaints are the constant cinematics that guide you and poor movement mechanics.

23 hrs ago

FerrumCrow finished Sky: Children of the Light
‣ 7/10 – Sky is not the limit here.

‣ Thoughts: It is impressive how big the scale of this game is considering that it’s mostly free. There are plenty of collectibles to get and side quests to do. That doesn’t mean that the core gameplay around these tasks is impressive or complex.

On the surface Sky is just Journey but five times longer. You may take that as a compliment or a recipe for a very mundane and boring game. The reason why Journey is memorable is because the game is short. Sky aims to create a live-service game based around the community but builds the foundation around exploring big areas with little to no gameplay. For the most part it works, but due to the poor movement design any experimental areas feel bad to play and get tedious quick. However, I do commend the developers for creating unique side quests and giving people stuff to do. I just wish the game didn’t hold your hand so much.

Overall, there is no reason NOT to try this game, since it is free, and you can complete it without spending a penny. My only complaints are the constant cinematics that guide you and poor movement mechanics.

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IzzGoohan backloggd A Way Out

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IzzGoohan is now playing eFootball 2024

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IzzGoohan is now playing Helldivers 2

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tohbes earned the Replay '14 badge

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IzzGoohan followed Sopa1d1

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