This game is actually crazy good for its time. Being an early 3D platformer you would expect the game to have the usual faults of them, (having a bad camera, being awkward to control) but to my surprise it really doesn't. The gadgets are usually fun to use, (all hail the Super Hoop) and the gimmick of the monkeys being adversarial to you makes for a lot of interesting scenarios I've not seen other platformers do too often. The aesthetic is also unparalleled-- Terada's music is incredible and it gives Ape Escape its own unique flair. My issues come with the levels sometimes having poor direction (near the end)-- there's a fair amount of moments where it asks you to find something without clear enough indication. Otherwise though, my favorite early 3D platformer without a doubt, check it out.

This game is comprised a lot of stuff that really sucks. The premise is worse than the first games, it fails at having a depressing tone like the original, and the humor and gameplay are both much, much worse. Not to mention that the pacing drones and wastes your time extremely often-- this game is 20 hours longer than the first for no good reason. Ultimately, though, I gave it a 5. The redeeming factors are the characters, who overall better than DR1's stereotypes (although some are incredibly worse, still being stereotypical and unlikable) and a select few cases (2-2 and 2-6) where the game really felt like a standout sequel and not: "We remade Danganronpa 1-- but this time it sucks!"

Though the game ends on a extremely high note, it falters far too much for me to call it anything that isn't mixed.

How high can you honestly rank this kind of game? Fun time with friends.

Touhou 7 isn't a perfect sequel. It's a worthy successor and introduces many great things to the table; more complicated danmaku, being able to visually see your hitbox and the enemy at the bottom of the screen, Youmu, and the introduction of gimmicks into the 1st Windows Era. However, I think it lacks on the character department compared to 6 and the music, a pretty iconic part of the series isn't as good this time. However, overall 7 probably is better than 6 just because of the QoL it introduces, and also Youmu.

I'm unfamilar with shumps, but Touhou surprised me quite a bit. It's not as hard as it looks like it is (on normal) and I managed to 1cc it with a bit of practice. For my first foray into these types of shumps, the genre is surprisingly fair. This game in particular has some annoying luck based stuff though and the difficulty curve could be a little better, but overall pretty solid.

Sonic Adventure is old, and it shows. Ultimately, the game is fun although rather basic, but it is bogged down by half of the stories just straight up being bad and many other technical issues like collision, camera controls, hub worlds. Otherwise though all of the styles that ended up coming back in Adventure 2, i.e Sonic, Knuckles & Gamma are worth playing and enjoyable experiences in gameplay and story.

Zero Mission is a pretty cool introduction into what the Metroidvania genre has to offer, for the better or worse. It very clearly guides the player while still leaving room for you to explore and do things "out of order." The abilities you get are fun to get the hang of and I think the Zero Suit segment is pretty fun, if "tacked on." The problems begin when the game asks you to bomb random blocks or shoot random walls in order to progression, partially because of its status as a remake of the original Metroid 1 (which sucks). This isn't fun to do and really hurts the world design and makes it frustrating to find your way around. Being a Metroidvania, this is a large problem, but ZM is overall still pretty good.

Blaster Master Zero is a decent game. But that's all it really is. The format of having both top down and sidescrolling sections is what makes the series unique but this game suffers in particular by having the top down sections be fairly boring due to the overreliance on the Wave/Level 10 gun. It is the answer to literally every problem in the game and it should have been balanced much better. Additionally, Jason just moves slow as sin in the sections and there's a lot of waiting. The tank sections however are much more enjoyable, giving you a more diverse moveset and generally being more snappy. There's a lot to be desired but all in all BMZ is still "good enough."

Not a very good game, unfortunately. Shantae has nice spritework and cool characters, but the game itself just sucks. It's a boring platformer where you have to waste half your time backtracking with no real purpose and the screen crunch is terrible. The dances, the main thing that make the game unique are painfully underutilized and feel more like keys than abilities. I used to like this game but it's not worth playing at all. Do something else.

Pretty great game, very fun to pick up and play. I've never played the MMBN series so my first exposure to this style of gameplay I feel good about it. Controls are responsive, the music is pretty good and deckbuilding is a fun time. Unfortunately suffers from some bullet sponge and bullet spam in my opinion, though. Sometimes there's just way too much on the screen and bosses can be REALLY beefy without a good setup to merk them quickly before you get overwhelmed.

Better levels, worse pacing, lots of fun.

Boring. Not much else to say.

Can't go wrong with Sonic 3. Cool game.