I really wish I liked this game more. Sadly, the game's own concept betrays its intent. Yeah, you can solve puzzles any way you want, but it quickly breaks the game balance when you can just solve almost every puzzle with only a few of the same keywords or adjectives. It turns an interesting puzzle game into a boring collectathon that requires no effort to complete.

A potentially great Sonic game held back by an overwhelming amount of 2D stages and an uninteresting Saturday-morning cartoon plot. I'm glad Sonic games aren't written like this anymore.

This is a fun 6th gen platformer that is worth playing just to watch Kao's head do that thing it does when he goes underwater.

Gex 64 has its charm, but that doesn't save the boring repetitive stage theming and tedious level design of the later stages. This version has an exclusive Titanic inspired stage, but it honestly isn't worth your time. Play Gex 3 instead.

Man, this sure is edutainment that tricked me when I was a kid at a game store! BOO this game! BOOOOOOOOOO

A game full of charm from beginning to end. The combat is kinda dull, but typically this game isn't played for that, anyway. Play this with as little knowledge about it as possible.

A game that starts out fun and interesting and a few stages in becomes an unfair nightmare game. If you want to beat it, keep some cheat codes handy.

Well, this certainly is a bad minigame collection that has a less-than-fun overworld to explore. Not even worth playing for the memes, sadly.

I don't hate this game, but I'm not the biggest fan of it, either. There are some questionable level design choices, and some of the boss fights are terribly unbalanced or just take way too long. There are times of joy with this in rare instances, and the data discs containing info about the characters is a really cool touch. If anything, just look up the info from those collectables online and skip actually playing this game.