A genuinely fun 2D platformer with some cool ideas. It's available on consoles that aren't the Wii U, though, so play this one ANYWHERE ELSE!

I really wish I liked this game more. Sadly, the game's own concept betrays its intent. Yeah, you can solve puzzles any way you want, but it quickly breaks the game balance when you can just solve almost every puzzle with only a few of the same keywords or adjectives. It turns an interesting puzzle game into a boring collectathon that requires no effort to complete.

A Sonic game that wishes it was a stereotypical Mario game. Boring level theming for the most part, unremarkable and unfunny characters and interactions, and unmemorable level design plagues this title. They sure were feeding Wii U owners something back then, huh?


This sure is a puzzle game that exists. I played this a lot years ago, but I honestly struggle to tell you anything noteworthy about it outside of "You control a cube that rolls around a square world getting to a goal at the end of each stage". It really doesn't feel unique in any way. It whelms, at best.

This game is surprisingly okay. The storyline got a few laughs out of me from its absurdity alone. Level design is okay, nothing really memorable, but nothing overly frustrating, either. If you have time to kill, you may as well give it a shot.

A platformer that wants to be Meat Boy but is just way too slow to come close. I wish it were better.

Easily the best way to play Wind Waker. Shame it's trapped on the Wii U, though...

Rock Pikmin are all oomfie and I will not hear a word otherwise.

Man, what happened here?

How do you go from Rumble Blast to THIS?

Nonexistent plot, boring, repetitive stages, and it's over in like 3 HOURS. I don't even know how to describe this game except with a loud, obnoxious "WHY??????"

Luigi's Mansion 3 has tons of charm and is an overall fun playthrough. While 1 edges out over it due to its high replayability, this title is a strong second place for best Luigi's Mansion game.

Wild how Nintendo pulled the devs of Castlevania Lords of Shadow over and got them to somehow make not only a good game, but easily one of the best Metroid games in existence.

Super Mario Maker 2 does a lot of things correctly. The stage designer is more robust with tons of new features over the original. The single-player content is substantial in comparison to the first game. The ability to make your own campaigns is smart and makes playing courses online more engaging.

However, what holds this game back is the hit-or-miss nature of those stages uploaded online. The core of getting the most out of this game revolves around engaging with its online systems, which includes playing the stages people make online. The problem with that is that these levels very in quality wildly, and I'll be honest here they're mostly bad. Whether you're going through an easy boring stage with uninspired level design, or you're sitting through a level that beats itself, or you're playing a stage that thinks it's good game design to hide instant-death traps everywhere, you're not gonna have a good time for the most part. There are good levels out there, but good luck finding them! The systems here to help you find stages to play don't account for quality in any normal way, so it's always a crapshoot as to whether or not you're going to have fun playing this for however long you planned on sitting in front of it for.

Because of this, I can sadly only recommend it for the level editor and the single-player content. Playing the online stages is an easy way to hate this game.

If you want a good game based around user-generated content, check out Dreams. It's a wonderful game with a community that creates exciting stuff!

Baba is You is a bizarre, weird puzzle game that does everything in its power to make you think outside the box. It can be pretty overwhelming in later puzzles, leading to tons of trial-and-error scenarios trying to make things click. When they do click, though, it's very satisfying. This game is an easy recommendation for people who like puzzle games that challenge you in highly unique ways.

It kicks my ass but it's good so it's allowed to :)


moon is a game that is truly unique. A puzzle-adventure full of entertaining characters that all have their own lives and schedules in a world that constantly surprises you. A unique soundtrack that you can mix to be however you want it to be accompanies you as you solve people's problems and catch the spirits of animals slain by a reckless hero. It has a bit of a learning curve to it, but once you're in, you're gonna be in until the end.

I need a shirt that just says "That is love. This is love" on it so badly.