8 reviews liked by UsernamePending

An upgrade in every way to the original Mario land, and extremely impressive for the game boy. the levels are all very unique, original, and fun. definitely would recommend, it still holds up to modern Mario standards.

Not to much to say about this one, its a revolutionary arcade game and its still pretty fun.

The definitive version of classic tetris. portable and has a multiplayer vs mode.

I have nostalgia for these games but when looking at them objectively they are not anything too special. I do like them and they are fun, just very simple and easy.

A solid board games collection. Tons of games that are all very well made for the DS.

A really fun and surprisingly more substantial game than i was expecting. Unlike Tetris 99, every mode in this game is free and there are always active events that you can participate in, in addition to the default 99 mode. There's even an offline practice mode and some customization options for you car, which doesn't really affect game-play at all but is cool nonetheless.

The actual game-play in 99 mode is very hectic and most of the time it doesn't feel like you have too much control over what's going on, but somehow I still found it fun, and if that's not your style there are other game-modes offered in the events section such as classic races. The UI design in my opinion is way better than Tetris 99, and one really cool detail I'd like to mention is that there are a ton of references to and usages of classic F-ZERO art, which I found really cool.

This game definitely goes above whatever expectations I had for a free F-ZERO game and is an awesome and much needed bonus reason to actually pay for Nintendo Switch online.


This game would literally be all but forgotten like it deserves if it wasn’t for Smash Bros