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UsernamePending finished Super Mario Bros. 2
Alright, let's just get this out of the way. This isn't a TRUE Mario game. This game is, for the most part, a polished up reskin of Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic, which released on the Famicom Disc System in 1987. Everyone knows this by now, so I don't know why I'm saying it. But what I DO know is that I honestly like this game more than the first Super Mario Bros, which was a suprise, but I welcome it. I had a lot of fun playing through this game!

Fun mechanics, joyful music, better physics, pleasant graphics for the time, and the wide variety of characters to play as to fit your playstyle was nice. My go-to was Peach since her floating ability came in handy a ton. There's admittedly a few level design choices that were odd, like the one where you just stand on an albatoss's back for most of the level, or the level where you use an albatoss again, but to go to the left, where you can pull out a rocket and fly off. Like, how was I supposed to know to do that??

Whatever. They're pretty infrequent, and I still had an enjoyable time with the game. Now, I'll finally understand every reference to the games that are found in the Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

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