Claptrap's New Robot Revolution is a pretty fun time but it doesn't really amount to much. I like the returning bosses from both DLC 1 and 2, and i think their inclusion was done in a good way. I'm also happy to see Steele finally get a boss fight even if it just a re-skin of some mini bosses from the General Knoxx DLC. The maps are a massive improvement from the prior DLC, but they aren't exactly amazing and are largely forgettable. It's worth playing if your a fan of the series but i wouldn't exactly recommend it to anyone else.

The Secret Armory Of General Knoxx has a pretty cool villain and introduces Athena who is a character i enjoy quite a bit in further installments, but that is all it really has going for it. The map design is awful, focusing on long stretches of just driving. Which the vehicle controls in borderlands are okay, but not good enough to have almost half a DLC focused on it. These long stretches wouldn't be so bad if there was more then 1 fast travel station right at the start, which just makes things tedious. Knoxx is definitely an improvement on Commandant Steele from the main campaign but he still isn't anything special. I was looking forward to playing this one, feel like i heard some great things about it, safe to say i'm pretty disappointed

Yeah DLC 2 Isn't great, It's just a massive grind to get through and for basically no reward. I rarely enjoy arenas in games, but if the reward at the end is worthwhile or it adds some new bosses i don't mind it. Mad Moxxi's Underdone Riot doesn't really offer anything new to the game, nothing worthwhile at least. You don't even get xp from taking out the 200+ enemies per arena, which really bugged me. I don't think its the worst thing ever, but it doesn't really warrant its existence either

The first DLC for Borderlands is pretty solid. Coming out in the peak of the 2000's/2010's zombie boom of course borderlands needed a zombie DlC, and so the zombie island of Dr.Ned was born. It's pretty fun, gives you hordes of zombies to shoot through, but it doesn't offer much else on the gameplay side of things. The aesthetic is definitely the highlight, DLC 1 brings in some much needed colour to Borderlands and though it's not much it feels like a breath of fresh air, after the main game.

After seeing that atrocious movie trailer i decided i wanna go back through the entire Borderlands series replaying/playing all the games and DLC. Starting naturally where it all started Borderlands. Graphically Borderlands hasn't held up, with an awful colour palate that hurts your eyes after playing for a couple hours, at least the cell shaded style adds enough so it isn't completely awful to look at. The story is fine, its pretty bare bones, a lot of go here, do this, kill that. nothing complex about it, i will say the games villain is pretty shit though, they never pose a real threat and only make them self known about half way through the game. The gameplay i'm happy to say has surprisingly held up, considering the games age. I had a good time shooting my way through Pandora, this gameplay loop has evolved significantly even just within the series. The vault hunters are definitely at their worst here, with pretty boring skill trees, and mediocre action skills, but what can you expect from the first title. This is definitely something that was greatly improved in the following games. I'm actually shocked i had as much fun as i did, i was expecting this to have aged like milk, happy to say that i'm pleasantly surprised with my revisit to the first Borderlands.

This is super nostalgic for me. The world that is built here may be one of my favorite low fantasy settings and definitely makes me want to go and read the source material.

Even though the game can be quite repetitive i enjoyed my time with it. the story is pretty solid if not a little messy, but when the story is it at its highs its honestly really great. The gameplay has probably aged the most out of everything, its extremely repetitive and honestly a bit of a slog.

really dug the first 3rd, the next 2 weren't really my jam. still a really fun game with a lot to like!

Honestly one of the best DLC I've ever played, right up there with The Witcher 3 - blood and wine. Cd Projekt RED just know how to make a good dlc. excellent characters and an excellent story really shows how much the cyberpunk genre can really shine when done correctly. Keen to see where this series goes but for now i'm stoked with how this one turned out!

look it's not perfect, its great but definitely isn't perfect. i ran into several glitches some of which stopped me from finishing some quest and the final couple hours at least of the ending i got was a goddamn chore. I only start with the negatives due to everyone's overwhelming positivity, and although i have these issues the game is still fucking great, i had a blast through most my playthrough and intend to keep playing and seeing what some of the other routes might entail!

This game is a goddamn blast! gameplay feels hella good with a really solid arsenal at your fingertips. The story isn't anything special its a little cheesy and predictable, though i kinda love that about it. Maybe its just my nostalgia for the original PS2 trilogy, but this is an all round great experience!

Not my cup of tea. Bethesda's latest is more of the same which isn't an issue but with its sheer size the game feels clunky and empty. Starfield lacks a certain charm i get from other Bethesda titles like The Elder Scrolls series or the Fallout series, which just makes its massive universe feel so dang shallow. I will say the gameplay is greatly improved since Fallout 4, which is to be expected considering Fallout 4 came out 7 years ago. Starfield may be it for some, but its just kind of dull for me.

I'm feeling very mixed on Bioshock Infinite. the story is pretty damn solid and kept me intrigued throughout but it feels like it was meant to be a whole lot more then it ended up being. The gameplay is good but i think i prefer it Bioshock 2, but having a bunch of new vigor's and a whole new melee system is really nice. All in all it isn't perfect, but it's a really fun time even if it is a bit messy.

Bioshock 2 was a pleasant surprise! It may not hit the highs of the first game, but it doesn't hit those low points either. With a solid story and greatly improved Gameplay this is a damn good sequel.