Can't believe I'm in the minority here but I just love this game, the gameplay is damn fun and while the Junction system is definitely overwhelming at first and they should have introduced it differently instead of bombarding you with information 15 mins into the game, it's a fun system and it's so fun when you figure out how it works and breaks the game.The story well...I get the criticisms but I think it's solid.The main problem is that besides Rinoa, Squall and maybe Seifer the characters don't get fleshed out, Quistis and Zell are pretty interesting and Irvine gets one cool moment but the game just drops their development halfway through and Selphine is just...there.

Replicant did not disappoint as expected, it's a beautiful journey of 3 characters that grow closer throughout the game while fighting their own internal battles.Hard to get into my favorite aspects without spoiling everything, but the connection to automata is awesome.Also Weiss' voice... yeah.

Seriously enjoyed this, the best things about this game are definitely the character interactions (and how many conversation choices there are) and the music.The combat is solid although it can sometimes feel heavy-ish?The story is great, iconic and a few lesser known comic characters appear (some with cool designs and some... Thanos...)

Well I finally played it, the game I wanted to play since I was like 6-7 but never got around it and I can safely say that it lives up to the hype.It's so grandiose and it doesn't fail.The score is phenomenal and iconic, the characters are all charming and deciding who you want in your party is an insanely difficult decision each time.There's a lot of subtlety and small, missable moments that make you appreciate the world and what the developers tried to (and did) accomplish much, much more.

P.S. ruby weapon can fuck off