Nevermind that shit, here comes Mongo Vee and they finally played a BL game of the week. It only took a game they own three times, and the week off from work for them to wake up and smell the coffee.

I've played all of the Fake Ass Racing ports, the Genesis one, the 32X port, the one in Sega Classics Collection which is a compilation of Sega Ages 2500 remakes, and the more recent Switch release that's basically perfect.

The one that I grew up with though, was this strange release on the Saturn developed by Time Warner Interactive that had to be fully built from the ground up without access to the source code. It's also officially known as "V.R. Virtua Racing", which means it's called Virtua Racing Virtua Racing, or perhaps Virtua Racing X2 if you want to go that route. Hilariously enough, they did make up team names for this release to represent the different color schemes you could give your vehicles, and one of them is called "Team X" and right next to it is the "Zero" team. A bunch of Capcom fans made this shit. ACME is also in this game, which means at any moment my disc could explode and turn me into a pile of ash along with a piano dropping on me to finish the job.

There's a bunch of exclusive cars and tracks to this title that other versions never got, which makes it easily the most content rich of every rendition. The new CD quality music is also super nice, even if it's still little 8-20 second samples that only go off whenever you hit a checkpoint. It's actually quite funny to hear the music shift genres faster than my own Spotify playlist when you use a fast car and zoom through the checkpoints so fast that the pleasant synth turns into a country style guitar/piano combo and vice-versa.

This black sheep release is actually kind of alright, I give props to them pulling this out when they basically had to literally analyze the game via video recording. I'd even say it's probably my favorite version, heresy I know. That's what happens when you never went to the arcade until the age of Primal Rage to care about the steering being a perfect copy of something you never played. Unfortunately, when it comes to Virtua Racing as a whole, while I respect it I'm not sure I find it as memorable as other 3D racers I played at the time. Which I could chalk up to it being bad timing during my childhood, Daytona USA came with my Saturn and that shit absolutely rocked my socks despite it being a really compromised port, and while Stunt Race FX runs at the speed of farts it was also just really adorable in it's own way.

Super Time Warner Interactive's Virtua Racing Virtua Racing HD Remix Plus Alpha Championship Edition 2012 The Fighting Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series (New Funky Mode)

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023


8 months ago

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8 months ago

@Angel_Arle maybe it's Rockman to the Second Power

8 months ago

I think it's another Mario Mario situation, meaning Roll is Roll Rockman, Blues is Blues Rockman, etc.

8 months ago

Idk I like the title, it's like VR is the cool codename and virtua racing is a fancy subtitle

8 months ago

@MagneticBurn That's what I thought for the longest time, but now I'm on board with the redundancy. Every Mega Man X after the first is just more times "Mega Man" is repeated in the title now.

8 months ago

@Vee it peaked at x3 since it means mega man triple x. Mmmm