Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but the switch to first person was way too jarring, and can sometimes be nauseating. Some of the achievements are also absurdly difficult to get, with the intruder spawn rates (the ones tied to achievements, i mean) being insanely low

Sword is an alright game, in most aspects. The story is practically nonexistent for 90% of the game, the graphics are not the best, but the game IS carried by memorable character designs and some cool Pokémon.

Shield is an alright game, in most aspects. The story is practically nonexistent for 90% of the game, the graphics are not the best, but the game IS carried by memorable character designs and some cool Pokémon.

I'm on Observation Duty 2 builds off of the first game in many aspects, and features some quality of life features absent in future games moving forward. For one, the game has color, which provides the opportunity for unique and subtle changes. However, the first map is far too big, with 9 cameras, while the second map is in absurdly low quality, but only features 6 cameras. The game is good, but the second level was taxing on my eyes.

The Room 4 is, in my opinion, the weakest of the 4 Room games I have played, though that doesn't mean it is bad. While The Room 1 has it's own charm, The Room 2 has unique environments, and The Room 3 has multiple endings, The Room 4's setting and story are rather...forgettable, to say the least. I enjoyed the game, but it could have been better.

I played Emily is Away because of a nostalgia trip I had a few months back, and the game was pretty good for a free game. Some of the achievements were tiring to unlock, and the story was rather short with only one or two outcomes, but besides that the game was fine.

As a direct game remake with no returning Pokémon besides those featured in the originals (excluding Meltan and Melmetal), this is the route that Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl should have gone. The game combines Pokémon Go capturing with modern Pokémon graphics, and is one of (if not THE) best looking Pokémon game on the Nintendo Switch so far.

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus is a very enjoyable game. It's additional content was fine, for the most part. The art was a little off in a way that I can't describe, but besides that, the game was fine.

Game Dev Tycoon is a fun and replay-able game that is one of my go-to's for whenever I'm bored and have nothing else to do.

There is No Game will always have a soft spot in my heart, and although it's much beefier successor is destined to rank higher, this is the lowest I could give this version of the game.

The Deep Sleep Trilogy is a great trilogy, that builds off of the previous games and weaved together a story that I did not expect to span across two different franchises and all come together in a final game. The little easter eggs to events later in the scriptwelder universe are insanely clever.

The Don't Escape Trilogy is alright. The games have no seeming connection with each other, which bummed me out, but besides that the games are good and replayable.

I'm on Observation Duty 1 is a great first entry into a series that blew up from a genre with a lot of untapped potential, and has seen countless fanworks spawn from it. While the original game is very basic compared to newer releases, it's importance alone gets it this high.

I'm on Observation Duty 4 contains 3 levels, all with unique challenges and unique anomalies. The game goes back to black-and-white from the original, and goes back to the camera system from the first two games. The game is able to combine all great aspects of the first three to create a great fourth entry.

The Room is a simple game with a simple premise: unlock the box and solve the mystery, which is what made it such a captivating game.