Genuinely pretty sweet. You shoot aliens that are flying at you above water, and then dive to collect gems and shoot some more aliens. Looks great for 91 and being on the Lynx. You get a ton of lives to offset just how easily things can kill you, but still a lot of fun.

What in the god damn is this. The lynx version is certainly better stylistically but I just have so many questions about the concept/character design here.

The 2600 and 7800 versions feel like pretty different games. The 2600 version looks and plays like an ugly version of OutRun with guns. The 7800 is graphically much more impressive but feels... more boring. Much longer and narrower stretches of road and what feels like less cars. It is cool they can come up behind you in this one, but I would certainly recommend the 2600 version more.

Pretty solid graphics and you get to pick your character. It's basketball with power ups ans you can punch dudes.

Absolutely insane video game. Be a ninja and play golf and fight off other ninjas and various creatures as you run to your next shot. Fight a dragon on the green to beat each hole. Amazing concept and plays pretty well.

Surprisingly pretty solid vertical scroller where you descend down caverns and manage fuel and shoot down ships, plant a bomb at the base, and escape. A little repetitive, but looks and plays nice nonetheless.

While the 2600 version leaves a lot to be desired, the 7800 version is very impressive. Run around dungeons that look like dungeons as a wizard and blast some rats.

While not as graphically impressive as the SwordQuest series, it feels a hell of a lot better to control and swing your sword around. Also pretty straight forward in your objectives and it even has music!

Sadly the last game in the RealSports series is among the weakest; but for no fault of trying. Boxing is the absolute limit of what could be done for this genre on the 2600's hardware and controller. It just sadly ends up feeling too button mashy.

Another awesome space exploration shooter from Atari. Reminisicant of Star Raiders, you explore the galaxy and different points of interest on your scanner and shoot enemies. Really cool for its time.

Absolutely timeless. It's Pac-Man, and it has had a ton of variations and remakes over the years because it's one of the greats.

Fantastic arcade space shooter from Namco, definitely worth playing a few rounds of if you like Space Invaders and the like.

Absolutely an all time classic and one of my favourite arcade games. DIG DUG

Definitely an improvement over its predecessor, however it feels quite finnicky about climbing.

I gotta say, they did a good job capturing the feel of these games. More responsive menus as a bonus too. Still obtuse as ever though.