FAITH: The Unholy Trinity is a fantastic retro-style horror game split into three acts, released over a span of 5 years. It follows the journey of Father John Ward as he fights various evils with his crucfix.

Chapter I (2017) is a pretty solid base to begin with. You spend a lot of time wandering around in woods that repeat themselves, in a style somewhat reminiscent of the hunting/foraging segments of Oregon Trail. There are quite a lot of possible endings as you progress through, with notes to collect by exorcising various objects.

Chapter II (2019) was a significant upgrade over Chapter I and IMO my favourite part of the trinity. While more linear, it gave way to a lot more environments and plot, as well as some neat puzzles.

Then finally we have Chapter III (2022), which serves as a great finale. Once again we have more multiple endings with lots of well-hidden secrets to uncover, and some really rad segments. One level in particular did go on for a little too long however.

All in all, this is an excellent choice for fans of horror and retro-styled games alike. The animation/cutscenes are incredibly well done with their eerily high framerates and the atmosphere/music is just the right level of creepy.

Atari 50 is a fantastic compilation of Atari games throughout the years, from the arcade, to the 2600, to the Jaguar, and everything inbetween. As you go through the timelines you get to try out tons of classic games, sprinkled with high-resolution scans of manuals, print ads, and interviews from key Atari and other game industry personnel.

As far as game compilations go this is certainly one of the best ones out there, even if quite a lot of the games don't hold up well (if they ever were in the first place). It would have been nice to have some more famous titles as particularly licensed ones (such as E.T.) are absent, but with the quantity and even new creations it's hard to really complain. Especially when none of the games in the collection are half as bad as the penultimate interview, being several minutes with the creator of Ready Player One.

Really rough top-down racing game featuring tank controls. Decent enough for the 2600 hardware and there's quite a lot of variants/tracks but certainly not one of my favourites.


Utterly goofy game but as always from David, a great time. Cool level designs!

Boy this feels not great. Characters just have too much health and movement is downright bad.

While it's definitely no Super Mario Kart, it's fine for what it is. The karts handle well enough and I actually do like a lot of the stage backgrounds. The powerups are a bit lame, but I think what actually holds the game back the most is the music - it is downright depressing in the menus and even a lot of the stages!

The chase for VR has evidently been going on for a long time, and Missile Command 3D is a pretty solid early try. The standard mode looks and sounds decent, and the 3D version works actually pretty well. You have to aim the camera around but you do have a mini-map to help show you where the missiles are coming from. Performance struggles a bit in both modes sadly, but this is still definitely one of the better Jaguar games.

Pretty sweet pinball game! Great board design, good graphics and visuals. Just all around a well put together pinball game.

How many times can Atari release these? Serving as the last Lynx game released by Atari, it is truly their "break glass in case of emergency" hail mary. They play as good as they always have, but c'mon.

An exploration first person driving game where you hunt for collectible orbs as a man yells AWLRIGHT for each one you collect. The handling of the car is actually okay, but the music was going to put me in an insane asylum.

My main complaint about the original Tempest was that the enemies looked like shit so it's nice to see they did nothing about that here. Still, the soundtrack is pretty sweet and so are the sound/visual effects.

RealSports Volleyball in 1982 for the 260p was an admirable attempt at an early volleyball game. It looked pretty good for its time and controls were tight and responsive. This game is none of those things. The character models are blobby potatoes like what Street Fighter 4 would look like in 1993. The controls are loose and imprecise. Do not bother.

It's fine I suppose, the aiming of the spear could stand to be a lot more responsible but its a serviceable enough puzzle game. Just once again, another Atari game just nowhere on the calibur of other games being released in this era.

While this game might have passed for something decent on previous Atari platforms, this is a far cry from the quality of games released from other developers in 93.

Certainly impressive for the time as a 3D space shooter, but I am going to have nightmares about the bald brittish lady.