If there is one thing I can say that Metroid Prime has in spades, it's atmosphere. The music, sounds, and environment design do remind me of other sci-fi shooters of the time, such as Halo or Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando. The metroidvania formula was adapted sufficiently to a 3D FPS, but not without some caveats.

First off, far be it from me to complain about backtracking in a Metroid game, but it gets a bit tedious in the back half here. Samus doesn't feel even half as quick as she does in the 2D titles, and the later game power-ups do not do enough to make up for that. Lots of little animations (switching beam types, morph ball transformations, etc.) just feel slightly too long as well. I liked the scanning feature in theory, but again it always felt a little bit too long and ultimately came at the cost of shoving the overall plot of the game into text logs.

All that being said, the ability to freely switch between each beam type was a cool idea and each one maintained relevancy throughout. The level design is as impeccable as always with each area being interconnected in (usually) convenient ways once you've got the necessary abilities. There's good enemy variety, and a couple of cool bosses too.

Having only played Prime 3 (and mostly forgotten it since), Prime didn't quite blow me away as much as I was hoping. It's solid, and I still want to finally play 2 when Nintendo finally decides to port it; just wish everything was a little bit quicker.

Cute game, 80 puzzles of varying difficulty where each piece is a funny-shaped cat you need to fit into a grid. Not exactly an original idea, but it's got a nice vibe. Would've been nice if it had "proper" controller support though, rather than dragging a cursor around.

Despite being a remake on the same engine, it's hard to imagine that Ishin is a 9 year old game with some new polish, features, and QoL. For all my love of the Dragon Engine, it's almost nostalgic playing another RGG game on Unreal engine.

Ishin follows the story of Ryoma Sakamoto through 1860's Japan following the appearance of the "black ships". As you go through the story, you are introduced to a number of historical figures who are played/modeled after characters that span the main Yakuza/LaD series. Part of this new remake is recasting to include some new characters, and it was great to see newer faces (particularly from 0 and LaD). This also means great new battle remixes for the relevant characters as well. While I'm not overly familiar with the history surrounding the game, I assume quite a number of liberties/interpretations are made to adapt it into a RGG studio story, but it's definitely one of the better ones they have put out.

Gameplay-wise, Ryoma fights with 4 styles. Fists, Sword, Gun, and Wild Dancer (Sword+Gun). I had my doubts, but all 4 of them maintain relevancy in different situations throughout the game and are all fun to use. The trooper system that lets you equip cards to activate different abilities is really fun to use too. You can even set the abilities to auto-activate so you can set-it-and-forget-it, should you choose. While the game is back on the previous engine, some QoL from the Dragon Engine did get backported as well - namely, auto-saving and saving anywhere, and expanded inventory. I miss the lack of loading screens and more dynamic animations/environments, but it still looks and feels tremendous.

At the time of writing this, Like a Dragon Ishin is easily a top 3 RGG Studios game for me (along with LaD and 0) and I'm really glad the work was finally put in to localize it. Definitely looking forward to doing more of the side content and looking up some of the real history!

While I haven't yet finished every song in the game (holding out until I beat the respective titles they are from), Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line is an astounding collection of songs (nearly 400!).

Every mainline game is covered and quite a lot of the spinoffs are too, and I have a great appreciation for the team that understands Battle at the Big Bridge needs far and away more remixes than any other Final Fantasy song. There's a ton of characters to choose from too, however these points also tie into one of my few complaints about the game - there are some notable absences (like Wakka from X, or any of the other scions from XIV in favour of Y'shtola #2). Similarly, there are some songs that did not make the cut that was a true shame. It's understandable for a game like XIV that it's impossible to cut it down to ~30 songs, but FFIII and V in particular have songs that I was bummed out to see weren't in there.

I've got over 30 hours in FBL but I'll definitely continue to keep playing it to try and level my characters and attempt the more difficult missions. Definitely a no-brainer if you love Final Fantasy and rhythm games.

What a truly great start to 2023 we have here with Fire Emblem Engage. A stark visual improvement over it's predecessor on the switch, Engage feels like they learned a number of lessons from 3H. Having finished the game on hard/classic, I can say without a doubt it was one of the most satisfying tactical RPGs I've ever played, keeping a consistent level of difficulty all throughout with a delicate touch to balance.

The way the game is set up, main story and paralogue battles are set to a specific recommended level while the skirmishes scale to what you are currently at. Skirmishes make for decent ways to make some extra gold or experience if you are lacking in some areas, and usually offer different starting points to the maps when you first play them as part of the plot. The gains aren't crazy, it's just enough for a little bit of a boost as the game is very strict on your key resources. I wholly adore games that do not dump gold and materials on you and make you pick and choose what upgrades you think are the most worth it, and Engage handles this masterfully.

As this is a Fire Emblem game, you do also have your support conversations with a pretty substantial cast of mostly great characters, and I finished the game with having seen most of the interactions between my favourites. Your home base, The Somniel, offers many optional activities to run around and do between missions. I always made sure to do the support-up events and visit the arena between each battle, but there's lots of other minigames to choose from too if you so wish to indulge.

Unique to Engage are the Emblem Rings. Equipping an Emblem Ring will allow a unit to summon a famous character from a previous Fire Emblem game and use unique abilities for a set number of turns before having to build up the gauge again. It's a really fun mechanic and allows for a lot of creative pair-ups. Additionally, each emblem ring has a paralogue that goes along with them that lets you fight them on a themed map to increase your bond with them and hear a remix of theme from their game. I'm definitely going to grab the DLC next just to do all those maps because they were a big highlight in the base game.

As for the story, it's the only part where the game loses a bit of points with me. For the most part, it's fine. I consider it overall a bit of a step down from Three Houses, but it absolutely has a few great highs and unfortunately at least one really low point.

That being said, I think Engage absolutely accomplishes what it sets out to do - it is a celebration of the franchise. I became attached enough to each of the Emblems that this is finally the game that has made me want to go back and play all the old games some day.

In some ways it feels strange to review a picross game because it's like, dude check out my review for this book of crosswords; but Logic Paint S is a solid game regardless.

It's genuinely impressive how they got several hundred unique pieces of Miku art for each puzzle (and each puzzle has something to do with said reward image). This is an extra mile that would be appreciated from the official Jupiter series. There's 18 songs on the soundtrack, (which seems pretty low given the massive catalogue of Vocaloid music) but they are all great picks and have something to do with puzzles too.

Gameplay-wise, it's serviceable. It's missing some QoL that the Jupiter series has (square counter, different types of markers) and because of the star system which you use to unlock songs, any mistake effectively means a restart if you want to "perfect" a puzzle as the game will also tell you immediately when you do so. I much prefer to be able to make mistakes and have to figure them out later as I fill in the rest.

Still, if you enjoy picross and you like Vocaloid, this is a pretty safe bet. I got around 80 hours out of it so the content is definitely there!

Reunion is unquestionably the definitive version of Crisis Core. It is a direct facelift using FF7R's combat engine and textures while still retaining the cutscene animations of the original game. This results in a tremendously improved gameplay experience that made me want to do the endless side missions a lot more than I did in the original. Additionally, new QoL features like being able to skip limit break scenes and start over from the beginning of a fight if you Game Over are greatly appreciated.

Hilariously, the hold-over animations from the PSP version result in a lot of uncanny scenes of high fidelity characters still doing exaggerated PSP movements, and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. None of the charm of the original ends up being lost here.

While we are dealing with a new voice cast as dictated by VII Remake, the new Zack grew on me quite well and the voices of other star characters are as impeccable as they were in VII Remake (maybe except for Reno). I'll always hold Gomez's performance (as the original Zack) in high regard, but it is certainly not enough for me to recommend the original release over this one in any way. If you love Crisis Core and want to replay it with a fresh coat of paint, or if it is your first time through, Reunion is absolutely recommended.

FFV feels like a refinement of everything that they set out to do with FFIII. An improved job system with tons of jobs, no limitations on swapping, a more coherent but still traditional plot focusing on the 4 warriors of light and the crystals, and a sizable world to explore.

As it compares to IV, it is obviously more open in the gameplay regards. It is a bit of a step back when it comes to story and characters (both allies and villains), but I ended up being attached to the main squad all the same by the end. There are certainly a lot of standout moments too, with Gilgamesh being one of my favourite FF characters thus far. The new orchestrated soundtrack is outstanding too, I hope it becomes available for streaming soon.

FFV in my mind is the pinacle of "classic" Final Fantasy with just about every aspect refined. I went out of my way to do a lot more side stuff in this one just because I didn't want it to end yet. Definitely play this one if you enjoy the traditional formula.

There's definitely something here. Driving around an island, doing quests and upgrading your own train while you fight off a demonic spider train is a great concept. It just feels like the game needed a little more development time.

Characters at the very least could've done with some mouth animations during dialogue. Some more variety in the setting would've been great too, maybe even a day/night cycle. Combat-wise, out of the 4 weapons you can unlock, one of them is so much better than the other 3 and it renders the others pretty worthless.

There's a lot that could be improved upon here, but it was a fun afternoon playthrough. I'm sure there are some hidden things I missed, but I'm not currently compelled enough to go back.

For all the incredible games I have played in 2022, I don't think any of them can bear the moniker of being a passion project quite like Pentiment can. Josh Sawyer truly has cemented himself as one of the most brilliant designers in the video game industry.

A narrative adventure, Pentiment takes the form and appearance of old medieval manuscripts. The font different characters spoken dialogue is in corresponds to the type of characters they are - peasants will write more sloppily and sometimes be hard to read, whereas the townsfolk and those of the abbey have more elaborate (and also, sometimes harder to read) fonts. Amusingly, as the game is told from the perspective of the artist - often times there will be typos that are quickly erased and fixed as you are reading. It's a small detail, but one that really adds to the charm.

As this is an Obsidian game, choices and background development are present here. You can choose the languages you understand, alternative educational disciplines you are familiar with in addition to art, and all these choices affect the way you interact with other characters. These choices shape the course of the story, and it really immerses you in the world it takes place in.

From a narrative perspective, the game tackles many subjects. What to do in life, what to believe in, and how to deal with hardship among them. The game is rife with ambient noise and music is used sparingly which really makes a big impact whenever it is heard.

I would really like it if more games like Pentiment were made. Despite being an Obsidian project, the development team was rather small and the scale of the game felt just right, lasting me around 16 hours. It is beautiful, thought-provoking, and I believe most people who play the game will find at least one struggle they can identify with. If you are into more narrative adventures, please do not skip this one.

A great improvement over the first game for virtue of having functioning online co-op. Combat feels great, characters are fun, and the soundtrack slaps too. The plot is structured better too in a way where exploration is more encouraged and most collectibles aren't too unreasonable. The developers seem to have gone the Yakuza route of retaining mostly the same maps to focus on adding other new elements.

I think the only area where this game has lost points with me is that it commits the cardinal sin of co-op games: only the host retains main story/collectible progress. I understand that this is can be a tricky issue to address due to having to factor in players at different stages of the story playing with each other, but having played start to finish with my friend, it is a bummer that I have to start from scratch sans my level/item/move purchases. I suppose it will at least go faster when I replay it.

Still, despite my misgiving about the co-op implementation RCG2 is a direct upgrade to the first game in every way and i daresay you could even skip it if you wanted. Definitely worth playing this if you love beat 'em ups.

It is hard to describe how much joy it brings me that there are a pair of brilliant minds at the helm of rose-engine who truly understand the horror video game genre. SIGNALIS feels like the best of all worlds, having borrowed the best parts of its predecessors to create something unique.

From the moment you open up the inventory screen for the first time, the inspiration is plain. The Silent Hill/Resident Evil is here, and the striking art style comes from a fidelity just above the PS1 era but not PS2. You also aren't locked to tank controls, and can even move around while aiming. There are a multitude of weapons (evidently a couple of which are very missable), but the ones I did not miss sound and feel amazing. The game also even features a radio, but unlike the one featured in the Silent Hill series, there are quite a lot of extra gameplay functions, many puzzles of which make use of tuning it to different channels to find solutions. A lot of the major puzzles lean a little too often on being collectathons to unlock your next area, but they are usually made up of smaller more interesting puzzles to claim the pieces. The map screen is well done too, marking the names of rooms you have visited and the status of doors you have tried (unlocked/locked/broken). It will also mark key interactables if present, but you aren't told if you have picked up every item which I feel is a good balance.

The story is intriguing and emotional with a focused cast of interesting characters and themes, and the tone is a lot closer to something like Silent Hill than Resident Evil. If you love classic survival horror and science fiction, SIGNALIS is unmissable. I'm really glad there are game creators out there who still truly get it.


Norco is utterly captivating. It is a brief point-and-click noir thriller through a bleak cyberpunk world as you piece together the mystery behind your mother's death and search for your missing brother.

The gorgeous pixel art does a great job of painting the grime of Norco, with a soundtrack and story that all work together to capture the aesthetic perfectly. It is utterly strange and very well written, and much is left to interpretation. There are some brief "gameplay" segments of puzzle solving and even combat, but it is largely a narrative adventure. It's quite short, coming in at just over 5 hours for me but I felt that was the perfect length. Fans of this genre should definitely check this one out.

There's a lot that does shine about Tactics Ogre, and a lot I do enjoy about it. It tells the tale of a man as he is trapped in a bloody war, with difficult choices to make and ultimately no truly right answers. In this respect, it is probably one of the best games to depict war and put the question to the player - do the ends justify the means?

It's not perfect - I do have some hangups regarding the plot. The antagonists are cartoonish villains, and one party member in particular (at least in the route I played) makes bafflingly stupid decisions as the game tries to guilt the player over it. It's a bit silly, but it's something easily overlooked in the grand scheme of the plot. The english voice acting for the most part is great. The main character, Denam, has an excellent performance from Max Mittelman who carries the game on his back, and many of the side characters were well done too. I felt the music to leave a little bit to be desired, but I did have a couple of standouts that I enjoyed a lot.

What really brings down my score here is the gameplay experience. Tactics Ogre is a slog. I normally love tactical games, but in this one there is just too much downtime and too many ultimately meaningless battles that feel like filler. There are some decent maps, but most are pretty lackluster and can be steamrolled, with the only real tactical decision I often needed to make was - do I need a dragoon here or not? There are definitely some great fights that do invoke just the right amount of challenge - the final dungeon in particular is fantastic. But the midgame is a bore with not a lot of payoff and retreading constantly over maps you've already beaten. The final chapter somehow both escalates the plot while also ensuring you have a mountain of trivial things to do if you are so inclined. I totally understand why people love this, but it's a bit too grindy for my taste and the fast-forward button is an absolute joke. If it was even twice as fast, maybe I wouldn't care so much.

For a tactical game, I feel I should also mention how strange it is there is no complete glossary of things like buffs/debuffs in-game. A handful are listed in the tips menu, but for most you can only get a description from a character who is actively affected by it. A lot of information is tucked away in those menus, so its strange we didn't get that but we did get a robust explanation of the calendar, which is mostly inconsequential.

Tactics Ogre is very impressive when you consider it came out for the SNES in 1995, and there is no doubt that it is among the best games on that platform. But I feel like it has not lived up to the expectations that its fanbase has left for me, which is a shame because I was really hoping it would. Maybe I'll go back and check out the stuff I missed sometime, but I think 69 hours was enough.

There's a lot to like about Unbound. A nice selection of cars (minus Toyota ever since their new stance on street racing), really cool visual effects, cars handle well, and the map is just the right size too with a good amount of races and collectibles. You start out with a cheap car and work your way up, buying new parts and increasing your stock at the garage to build up during the calendar to the big events. The AI is actually pretty good and can be unpredictable and make mistakes too, which makes each race feel all the more authentic.

The plot is pretty bad and 99% of the characters are poorly written or just plain annoying, but I guess that's how NFS has always been - even back to Most Wanted. You can also tell A$AP Rocky was a hilariously huge component of the marketing. He appears at the end of every Takeover event, he appears in races, and he even talks all through the credits. But despite all that, where the game really falls apart for me is the cop chases.

Cops are an outright chore. Chases are tedious, they spawn constantly (usually right in your path too), and at higher levels they go on for so long. Unlike the original Most Wanted, there are no pursuit breakers or cooldown zones, and their road block spawns are laughably bad and miss the mark 9 times out of 10. By the last couple of in-game days, I just skipped races once I had enough money just so I didn't have to deal with them anymore.

I just really wish they had tuned the cops. I love racing around the city and will probably still go for a lot of the collectibles, but with a couple of changes this would be a 4 or a 4.5 game for me.