Fucking hell, man.
Maybe this was good at the time, but going back to it now is hell.
The character moves like an old resi character, the platforming sucks and the combat is mostly just non-stop Izuna Drops (This is actually a good thing).

The Rachel bits were dreadful, and this was the point that made me quit for good.

Came back to this after about a year and actually beat it (once) this time.
I still don't really get the appeal at all. Like playing Castlevania with the worst weapons and character controller you can imagine.

Except the kick. The kick is incredible and I wish the whole game was built around it.

I really didn't get on with cross cells for most of it, but the last 5-10 puzzles are great and totally brought back the dizzying highs of Hexcells.

Overall, it's bizarrely missing a lot of quality of life features that would make this a nicer experience (some of which are in his other games) and it's not as good as Hexcells... But if you liked Hexcells, you'd enjoy the end of this!

A great time.
Incredibly fun movement which gets deeper as you progress, some very fun platforming, and just a pleasant wee thing overall.
The combat kind of blows, but you very rarely have to engage with it, and there's no map, but usually this isn't a problem.
The ending just sort of... ended, but I wasn't here for the plot anyhoo.

The logical continuation to the logical conclusion of roguelikes

I think I almost really enjoyed this. There's a bunch of stuff I love like levelling a load of different classes and finding some broken combinations between them, and the combat is mostly pretty fun!
On the other hand, some of the boss fights (and bits of combat in general) feel super rough and enemies not flinching (outside of specific moves) always feels bad.
The game throws so much loot at you, it feels like you're constantly just swapping stuff out. There's a blacksmith which I NEVER used, but I assume it becomes important in the post-game.
I feel like I never really got into it as much as I could, so I reckon I'll pick up the DLCs.

The story is mostly whatever, but I really enjoyed the final act.

This made me retroactively hate the game.

It's insane that this came out AFTER Devil May Cry.
Imagine DMC and Drakengard had a kid, but it was dogshit.

Every fight with a monster spawner ended up with me having to jump slash it for like a minute. Thinking I was going insane I looked at multiple lets plays and apparently that's just what the game is.


Cannot recommend at all

An ambitious roguelike Castlevania with interesting ideas but probably the most underbaked execution I’ve ever seen.
If this was a studios first game I’d be impressed, but it is so rough I’m amazed it was released in the state it is.

It’s intended to have Smash Bros. style controls which just barely works.
Every enemy in the game has the same(ish) skill set as you, but are much much better than you and are constantly reading your inputs, insta-grabbing, and perfect parrying you.

I played in co-op which is apparently supposed to have friendly fire on, but I can’t imagine a more hellosh experience when confined to a small battle arena with this combat system.

You might be curious to try it out and see how well it executes on its ideas: do not.

Also the online is occasionally non-functional.