a great game to further enhance my Almighty So 2 listening experience

I was so excited following its release, as I loved the first one, but unfortunately, GR2 fell short of my expectations. While I think there's fun to be had in this game, I couldn't help but feel so bored throughout the majority of my playtime. Many levels felt like filler, as it seemed like the developers were trying to prolong the game and as a result, created a very repetitive gameplay loop. Also, the optimization on PC is fucking DOGSHIT; near the final 2–3 hours of the game, where it shifts to a more open-world-esque game, the frame drops are atrocious.

I appreciate the effort in attempting to make this more narrative-driven with its hub space, though unfortunately, the shallow dialogue and Its monotonousness took me out of it. I couldn't care less for anyone there, maybe aside from the returning characters, but even they were okay-ish at best. Negatives aside, the introduction to unlocking your bike was pretty cool; shout-out to that part of the game. If you're a fan of the first GR, there's a chance you'll like this game, though I wish that were the case for me. I truly hope I come around to this game in the future but as of now, this is generally how I feel.

I bought the whole series solely due to how raw the box art is. Whoever is doing the art for these games I will personally provide you with the best time of your life.

What a great game to end the year off with man, holy shit.

To be honest, it's probably one of the best games to play with friends that's out right now. It can be incredibly immersive, especially if you utilize In-game voice chat. I've played it for about 3-4 hours, and I haven't gotten bored yet so I'd say that's a good sign. Excited to see where the game goes with Its future updates considering that It's in early access at the moment.

It's so unfortunate that this game actually has a great soundtrack

What Crowbcat has done to the gaming industry needs to be studied. Twitter mfs find the most random shit to criticize about a game; it's genuinely mind-blowing. Crowbcat cultists aside, This game touches on things the previous installments both shine and lack in. No doubt it'll be tough to replay other Spider-Man games solely due to how advanced the movement tech is, which ultimately carries the game for me. I do think there is valid criticism; personally, the final act and overall story are much weaker than the first game. But a soda can having too many jagged edges or a sign's text being in low resolution is not one of them.

There are bugs, I experienced a few of them, but nothing immersion-breaking. I was worried about how Insomniac would balance the way you play as both spider-men, but luckily it was done in a way that makes it to where there's a reason to play as both and not rush the fuck out of the game with just one. Li, Miles, and Peter had incredible development throughout the whole game and there are numerous moments that I highly look forward to on my replay. Whether this game falls off for me(It did), I can't deny that Miles and Li's dynamic was so fucking well done and every moment they had to improve on that had me teary-eyed man. Not sure if this is my GOTY but I wouldn't be upset if it won anything. It's been a wild year for gaming and I'm hoping this game gets DLC as I feel there are many areas in which the game can still improve.

I adore this game so fucking much, and it's a damn shame what happened to it on launch. I recently finished a 2.0 save with 80+ hours tracked, something I haven't done in a long time with a game, and I enjoyed every minute I had with it. Not only that, but I always thought the game's overall story and message(s) were incredibly well-written, though the god-awful optimization held back many pivotal moments as it would cause game-altering bugs which would ultimately ruin the experience.

Now here we are with 2.0, and it seriously brought so much life to the game. I really couldn't be happier with the amount of shine and praise the game has been getting recently. Edgerunners, I believe, had a huge role in its recent praise over the last year as well, due to the show reaching audiences that were never even considering playing the game. This caused hundreds of thousands of new cyberpunk fans, which no doubt led to 2.0 being as successful as it is. Overall, the game's enjoyability is absolutely through the roof, and I would HIGHLY recommend anyone play or replay this game, as 2.0 just really brings out the vision the developers had initially desired. I have yet to play Phantom Liberty, although anyone I've talked to has said it's just as good, if not better than the main game. I'm very optimistic to see where CDPR takes Night City and how they'll continue to flesh out one of my favorite settings in a video game!
Side note - I will say that I and many others have experienced a good number of crashes on PC recently, and seemingly the 2.01 patch made it worse? At first, the game and its performance were amazing, but then, around 30ish hours into my save, I kept getting crashes every other hour. This seems like a PC issue at the moment, but I've heard turning off Cloud Save can fix it. I'm sure it's going to get fixed, but that was the ONLY problem I've had with 2.0 so far. I highly recommend it, and as time goes by, I can easily see this game being an all-timer for me!

Dogshit (I'm in too deep to quit)

I had only played this around 3-4 times when I was younger because I preferred the other Halo games instead but With every replay, my love for this game only continues to grow. Weird Level designs aside, Everything about this game is so fucking good ESPECIALLY the soundtrack. MARTY 'O DONNELL AND MICHAEL SALVATORI YOU ROCKED MY WORLD!

The narrative this season was really damn good and things that all should've been in Lightfall. This season contained probably one of the most important cutscenes ever for Destiny as it explains the origins of the Witness and how they became to be. I just really think if THAT cutscene was in Lightfall it would have been way better received.

The great story stuff aside, the servers this season went to absolute shit and caused me and many others to quit playing week to week for the seasonal stuff. There have always been server issues in the past but not nearly as bad as It's been this season.

Also, it doesn't help that there hasn't really been great communication from Bungie about all of the bugs and server issues this season. Idk I really love this game and owe it everything but as every season goes by the game's quality greatly declines and it's sad to see. I hope next season is a step up from this one in terms of gameplay and quality but I can't really say I'm too excited for it.

The dungeon was cool, and the Story was great, but the gameplay loop and season activities were ass IMO. All in all, it was a decent season.

Holy shit yeah I understand why I was never able to beat this as a kid lmao. though it felt great to play as Spawn again. Also Ivy, yeah I really like Ivy.

Definitely Not as strong as Gorod or DE but it was solid nonetheless. Probably one of the easier EE's in BO3 which is somewhat unfortunate considering it's the final map but it was fun. What a DLC run BO3 had man, sucks they don't make COD's like this anymore, it is what it is.