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Vivitine reviewed Ultrakill
Been replaying this to properly dig my teeth into and this might be one of my favorites. I love everything about this game. The neat low res psx esque graphics, the crazy music, the lore, the level design, the boss fights (except the flesh prison but its ok we all make mistakes), the weapons and each of their different variations, but the best part of all is that feeling that if you think something crazy can work, it generally can pretty often. The love and care that's gone into this is fantastic and it feels like a game that i accidentally willed into existence after playing a ton of DMC and titanfall 2. Im not gonna write a novella on it here because its just a lot of work for stuff people already know, but i will say that this is a masterpiece in cool as hell video gaming.

1 day ago

4 days ago

Vivitine backloggd Saya no Uta

5 days ago

5 days ago

Vivitine is now playing Ultrakill

5 days ago

5 days ago

Vivitine reviewed Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Replayed this and man this is still my personal favorite souls game. Like every from soft game, it has its issues, but man the gameplay here is unlike any other one they've made and i hope they take as much of a risk with their next project as they did with this.

8 days ago

8 days ago

Vivitine shelved Hardspace: Shipbreaker
A very neat little game about taking apart ships, but don't think of this in the same way you would something like Power Wash Simulator or Viscera Cleanup Detail. Maybe it's a skill issue, but you can not get 100% perfect salvaging. The cutter generally will destroy at least a tiny bit of what you cut unless it's a cut point, so cutting a wall you'll always get that red ping that you lost credits. There's also tiny salvage that you just kinda lose track of. The point is being good enough and fast, not accurate and painstakingly taking apart the ship.

Story is alright, i like the characters well enough and the pro labor message of it all is cool. It doesn't get in the way like other people are saying, not much at least, but it's not the best thing ever, just kind of a neat little backdrop between shipbreaking.

Honestly, my biggest issue is the completion lol. I went in hoping for it to be a bit of a zen experience and i walked out realizing you have to treat it like a real job. Just do it good enough. Not for me, its very neat though and i would recommend it to people who want to rip apart ships.

9 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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