15 reviews liked by Vrabec

Me when my parents get divorced in real life (tears up)! Let's go!

its like brotherhood but made by monkeys! and bwi'ish

cant wait for zoomers with an attention span of 30 seconds to say this game is boring because they had to watch a 2 minute cutscene telling them not to be a fucking moron.

pretty solid reskin of simpsons hit and run. i like all the birds a lot

i played it early thanks to being a warner bros partner and i can confirm there are at least 4 sex scenes with harley quinn and the weasel

basically the same game as the first but the story is worse.

at least i dont have to play as MJ

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Perfection, or close to it.

The graphics are beautiful, the music feels like its resonating off my very bones, the boss fights are memorable as hell. The story for what it is, is phenomenal. For all you lore freaks out there it offers even more. Theres so much to this little game its unbelievable at times, and the extra DLC content adds so much more to an already beautiful game. ESPECIALLY the godslayer DLC. By god. Perfecting every boss on radiance was one of the most exciting feelings I've had in a long time. The pantheons are so unbelievably fun too. I can't say enough for this game. It's the sole reason I got into metroidvanias and I need to say again. Christopher Larkin on this soundtrack was unreal. Pure Vessel is the rawest videogame track I've ever had the pleasure of hearing in-game. That secret boss was bone chilling. I love this game so much it hurts. Everything I write makes me remember another 3 I forgot to mention.

DLC for a racist white people game

Amazing visuals and soundtrack. The gameplay can be frustrating at times due to RNG-elements, but is solid otherwise.

no joke this game taught my dumb american brain the metric system