Funny, I finished Volume F on the day the first episode aired for the anime.

It is still kinda crazy to me that this game could have ended at Volume F. There is much to take from the themes and music, characters and the world building, I love it all. I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories and how they all lead to one satisfying conclusion. Obviously, there is way more on the horizon, but I will be continuing to support this game and see where it goes with it's stories and characters.

Fun fact, I beat this game during one the worst hurricanes to hit my state in years. I was out of school for like a month and a half and we didn't get power back for two weeks I think. My dad just happened to plug in the tv's so I managed to beat this game running of a very powerful generator.

Otherwise, this game means a lot for me. It solidified my love for Spider-Man, and this iteration easily has become my favorite Spider-Man of all time. As much I love both Miles and the sequel for there own additions, stories, combat, suits, and swinging, this game remains in mind when I think of perfect Spider-Man story, and has showcased so much love to this character and it's world.

A standout surprise release, it's such a good and fun time, please pick up and play as soon as you can.

Not only is this a wonderful love letter to JSR, it is a game that easily makes me want more of this genre. Oozes style and fun times all around.

A very fun plane game that has made me want to dive more into games similar to it

Let's just say, in order to see the full potential of this game, you need to play ALAN WAKE and Control to get the full picture.

Otherwise, holy fucking peak fiction. This has easily become one of my favorite games of all time, and also one of my favorite horror games of all time. This is easily Remedy's best work and I certainly look forward to there next projects.

There is a lot of janky and annoying parts scattered all throughout, but overall I had fun being a skinwalker virus tearing through New York.

You can still have a pretty fun time with this, though I recommend getting BetterSADX if anyone is having issues at any point, as port is a little wonky.

When I got into GBF all those years ago, I could have never imagined this to be upon the horizon. Relink is wonderful game that I am so happy I played and thoroughly enjoyed. I still some grinding to do, but I enjoyed this love letter to the series.