85 reviews liked by Vxprr

Phenominal gameplay and graphics for a game in 2015 and amazing conclusion to the trilogy. I don't think the story reaches the heights of City, but it outclasses City in every other way

game that was completely ahead of its time

Game is a blast to play and has one of the best communities in my opinion. I would give it a 5 star rating, but I've encountered many glitches & game errors (which isn't frequent)

Besides the problems, I'd highly recommend picking this up if you want a fun & chaotic multiplayer game and for the price of £29.99, it's an absolute steal.

theres a woman in my head who tells me to blow up my friends with mines.

I'm going through a Batman phase right now leave me alone.

This is the start of one of my favorite game trilogies, and still remains pretty interesting to this day. It doesn't have the larger open-world as City and Knight, but the condensed area of the game still makes for quite a neat world. I did my most recent playthrough on Hard mode which I'd mostly recommend as it gives rid of visible counter prompts, feels way more suitable this way. It's worth mentioning though that the challenges mode of the game is a bit unsavory, I did manage to do them all but only with a lot of frustration at points.

Story-wise the game has the smallest cast out of the series, but features The Joker is his best form out of them. It's worth noting that the bosses in this are certainly lesser than the sequel, with them mostly just calling in extra enemies every time. Still more bosses than Arkham Knight though!

If you've got any interest in superhero stuff or Batman himself, this is certainly one worth playing for sure.

Dude the sequence which takes place outside GCPD....literal chills.... i dont think i can ever recover from that awsomeness.

my favorite Arkham game and the only one I have completed. done everything except the Riddler trophies.

A car shouldn’t make a game bad when the rest of the game is literally amazing. I mean the game looks like a ps5 launch title when it came out in 2015. Freeflow combat is still amazing. And of course the story’s great as always with these games,

Is there a lore reason why Crow is trying to scare Man? is he stupid?

1 list liked by Vxprr

by JustUnseen |

10 Games