the best mario game idc what anyone says

the campaign and story that has been dripfed throughout the year is good. other than that.. LMAO

this game was just downright fun. the most fun and honestly the best game since BO3 by a country mile. the campaign was so good, the zombies mode was great and the multiplayer was a reversal from the previous game

this game was the stepping stone into the current era of call of duty.. and to be honest it sucks. the soul and life that pumped throughout the classic games that we all knew and loved was seemingly sucked out of this iteration. instead of fast paced multiplayer gameplay we received sluggish and tactical-oriented gameplay. the multiplayer felt and played like shit. the only good things about this game were the campaign and the engine used to build up the game. the campaign was very good, one of the best in the franchise for sure. rebooting the story from the original MW trilogy worked so well and honestly the characters and story are a lot more gripping than the original. as for the engine, the sound, animations, and graphics were all huge leaps for the series as we’ve never seen anything like it before. in the end though, the main problem is that the main draw of call of duty turned out to be terrible and drags the game down a lot for me

probably the most odd game in the franchise for me. i both really liked it while simultaneously hated it. if you asked me specifics i genuinely couldn’t tell you… the game just felt kinda off. another one where i don’t hate the game but i don’t love it either

the definition of mid. the campaign was okay, the zombies mode was kinda bad, and the multiplayer started off bad but progressively got better during the game’s life cycle. i will applaud the sledgehammer team that came in halfway through and revitalized the game and made it a lot better. it’s a shame it took half a year for it happen but when it did happen it definitely changed the game for the better

this game gets a ton of hate for continuing the futuristic era of call of duty and quite frankly pushing it to it’s max with the sci-fi space setting. personally, i don’t mind any of it and i think the game is underrated. the campaign might be my favorite in the entire franchise and the zombies mode is the best iteration done by a studio not named treyarch. the multiplayer is where the game kinda fizzles out for me as it just tries too hard to be like BO3. honestly it just feels like a less interesting version of the previous game. it’s not awful but it definitely isn’t amazing

this was my first call of duty game. it was the best game in the franchise a decade ago and it’s still the best now

it’s a shame that it took me five years to finally complete this game. this was hands down the best game i have ever played. the characters, the story, the world, the soundtrack, the gameplay, the minor little details… all of it was just down right amazing. it took me 95 hours to finish and not a single minute felt boring or wasted playing it

the puzzles in this game genuinely make me not want to continue. i really like the combat and story and the characters aren’t terrible but the stupid puzzles genuinely infuriate me to the point of not playing lmfao. i’ll come back eventually but when i was playing (2022) it was hell

my nostalgia holds the mario kart wii above this but in all honesty this is the better game. if it weren’t for my blindness this would be on top but it’s neck and neck

the undisputed goat of the series

i really hate that this game went out sad because it was genuinely so much fun to play and mess around with. i will never forget it’s linsanity run