destiny 2 is my favorite game. i hate it.

seriously though i love this game so much for many many things but the decline in quality and treatment for this game over the past year and a half has been laughable. i wish i could enjoy it like i used to but i can’t put up with the timegated story and content every week and the piss poor activities we get nowadays. the ignorance for gambit and crucible is sad too. there’s a lot of stuff i could complain about but there’s also a lot there to still praise. D2 isn’t bad by any means but the quality of the game (in terms of the health, content and gameplay) has been declining and the way bungie has treated the players and the product has pushed me to the point of me dropping it entirely at the moment. i will always love this game but it’s in such a bad spot that it’s not even in my rotation of games anymore

This review was written before the game released

alright… this game man…

OW1 was amazing and it was the sacrificial lamb for this sad excuse of a sequel. while the gameplay overall is better and the balancing is more.. balanced, the game is mostly the same with little to no major changes. the main reason for this game’s existence in the first place was their promised PVE mode. now, the mode that was promised years ago has been completely scrapped and any hopes for it have died. and with the death of the PVE mode goes the overall game itself. it’s a waste now. there’s zero reason for this games existence anymore. i quit it the minute the cancellation of PVE was announced. it’s a shame that the best PVP game i ever played fell from its pedestal of greatness and is now a joke

the best fps game ever and nothing will ever replicate the greatness this game was. the fact that it died early on for a now worse sequel is so sad and it’s a shame honestly. the game’s foundation was so good, the gameplay was amazing and the characters and world around the game were so good

honestly the story is boring as shit to me man. i don’t mind the major and controversial plot turn early in the game at all.. my main complaint is the game’s focus on humans and characters who are just uninteresting. the first game’s focus on the world and the fallout around it was what made me enjoy it so much and it feels like that’s lost with the sequel. i finished almost halfway through the game so i wouldn’t know if the game’s story gets better or not but what i played was just lackluster. what keeps the game afloat for me is the gameplay, visuals and soundtrack. all of it is a massive and i mean massive step up from its predecessor. i love the combat and fluidity of the game.. some of the best i’ve played. but the slog of a story is what holds me back from continuing the game

even though this game is a lot more streamlined in terms of content and the story is a lot shorter than its predecessor, it’s still a great game that makes the most of its smaller package. i really like miles as a character and having him be the main spider-man is a nice change of pace as he plays the role of a rookie becoming a professional throughout the game. the story overall is fine.. it’s nothing insane and it isn’t as good as 2018’s. the characters and villains are just okay and none of them really blow me away. one thing i will say is i enjoy the pacing of the story overall. the gameplay and combat is shrunk down and not as fledged out as 2018 BUT i do think it’s just as good as 2018. miles feels a lot more fluid to play as both in combat and swinging around. the side missions, which was a complaint of mine from 2018, are lessened in this game and are honestly a lot more tolerable. overall, i enjoy the game for what it is but it’s definitely not as good as spider-man 2018

i didn’t think they could top GOW 2018 with this game but they did and it’s astonishing how well they did it. the story is genuinely the best one i’ve every experienced in a game with so many emotional moments throughout it. all of the characters have so many important and crucial moments and most don’t feel wasted. the gameplay was expanded upon and made better in every way imaginable. the game is visually stunning and the soundtrack is amazing once again. the ending was perfect and made me bawl my eyes out. it’s just another masterful game that i’m glad to have experienced

my favorite game of the PS4 generation. the gameplay, the characters, the story, the soundtrack, the pacing… THE VISUALS! definitely one of the top games i have ever played. i feel like i gotta mention the ending (with no spoilers). i rarely get emotional with games but the ending had me choking up. it was a perfect way to end a story like that

the best superhero game ever. love the characters and interactions between them. the pacing of the game is great as well. the combat is so fluid and addictive for being very streamlined. my only complaints are the side missions being too repetitive and mundane as well as the DLCs being mostly the same for me. the DLC isn’t necessarily required so i won’t tack anything against the game for that, but the side missions in the main game are just a drag to get through

amazing story. amazing characters. amazing soundtrack. very good gameplay and combat. another one of the best games i’ve ever played

flawless game. top 3 game i’ve ever played for sure.