this game is a decade old and i still play it sometimes and keep up with it and enjoy content about the game. it’s a staple and classic game that’s a part of my youth. the story mode was great, nothing insane. the online is terrible but good at the same time. the game overall is just dumb fun and always will be

this is genuinely the most addicting game i’ve ever played

they don’t make ‘em like dis no more

i don’t know what to really say as everything has already been said by other reviewers. it topped BOTW, which genuinely seemed impossible. top 3 game i have ever had the pleasure of playing

i don’t know what to really say that hasn’t been said already lol. masterful game from start to finish

if this game wasn’t on a now outdated piece of hardware it would’ve easily been the best in the franchise. the poor performance is what stands out the most for a lot of people and it’s unfortunate as the game itself is actually great. the approach of having an entirely open pokemon game is great and being able to do any of the story paths in any way you want is awesome. the gameplay takes a lot influence from PLA, which is great. the pokemon this generation are also cool. the story and characters are actually interesting and have depth to them. there’s a ton of great things but the game is unfortunately held back by the performance and it’s too jarring for me to ignore

whoever came up with the idea of this game deserves a medal. this game is a breath of fresh air and it’s so nice to see something different in the franchise work so well. i love the gameplay so much in this game. the setting is great as well. the art style is awesome. the callbacks (well i guess connections) to sinnoh and seeing character’s predecessors is so cool. i would love to see more games in this style but more fledged out

kinda boring honestly. the pokemon bore me, the characters and story suck so bad and the region overall pisses me off. it makes sense thinking about it because it’s based off of england. but genuinely i do not care for this generation at all

i absolutely adore these games. this might be a hot one for a lot of the OGs of the franchise but this blows the original hoenn games out of the water. i can’t really give a complaint for it honestly. top 5 pokemon game for me

so if you would’ve asked 10 year old me what i thought of this game, i would’ve told you it’s the greatest thing ever. but now that i am older and can reminisce and judge things correctly, this game is in fact not that good. the characters, the story and the pacing were all very mid. i would honestly slap mid on this game as a whole. the things that keep me from utterly trashing it are actually great i will not lie. mega pokemon… whoever thought of it i love you and i will love you forever. BRING BACK MEGA POKÉMON. the new pokemon this generation are actually some of my favorites. a super solid generation of new mons. the final four and beyond that with the endgame are all great. the music slaps as always. outside of those things though, it’s just kinda whatever. a proper 3D version on the switch or whatever nintendo push out next would be great to see but i doubt it’ll happen

if i could grade this higher than 5 stars i would. this game changed me. i would kill for a 3D remake or even a sequel or unova prequel.. ANYTHING

this game took the sinnoh games and elevated them to greatness. it’s not the best but it’s second for sure

the one thing holding this game back from being the greatest pokemon game ever is the fact that it’s in johto and it’s held back by the pacing of johto. other than that, it’s literally flawless

this is the only COD game i’ll review because it’s the only one i can call amazing. i know it’s controversial but this game is what propelled me into competitive gaming and striving to get better at multiplayer games. the campaign is the worst in the entire franchise but the multiplayer is so good and the zombies mode is the best ever. to think that i was practically still a kid when i was playing this game and logged 1400+ hours on it back then is insane. this is definitely the most biased review i will give any game ever but it’s justified outside of my biased opinion