Out of all the mobile games I’ve played, this one is my favorite. It is so different than other games that it does not always feel like a mobile game. This was especially true in its prime. It would be a lot of fun to go to a place with a lot of Poké stops and gyms. My dad and I shared an account which I know is cheating, but having something to do together made it worth it. After a while, the game can start to get repetitive and it is very hard to justify settings aside time for it especially when you can go on a long walk just to not find anything. Regardless I still got a lot more out of this than I have with most mobile games and even some non-mobile games.

The premise of this game is great. You have to quickly react to things and try to beat your own high score. It functions as a sort of endless Bop-It with extra flair. This has been outshined by its sequel which I played more. There are few reasons to play this when the second one exists Compared to console games this does not hold up very well, but it is a good premise and fun to play here and there.

I always had a lot of fun with this game. For a while, it was my go-to mobile game as it was simple and the objectives to advance to the next level kept me engaged. It had a lot of extra features that the original one did not such as the minecart section and the water slide. The extra maps did not always have as much extra content, but they were still a nice inclusion. Regarding mobile games, I like those that are based on reaction time and this certainly delivered on that. The fact that the goal is to beat your own score is also a great model for a mobile game. If this was an app store review it would get 5 stars, but compared to other video games it is rather simple and gets repetitive very fast. I also disliked that some of the objectives required you to play multiple days in a row as the game should be a fun thing to play when bored and not something you have to invest a lot of time in.

This review is for the Wii U version of the game. Toad has always been my favorite Nintendo character so this game really appealed to me. It is a fun and simple game. The difficulty is certainly on the easier side, however, there is a lot of content within each level. Unfortunately, some of that content requires a Toad Amibo or owning Super Mario 3D World. I conveniently already had these things so I was not annoyed at their requirement, however, I can understand why someone would be. Each of the puzzles in the game pushes typical Mario world environments to their logical conclusion. Toad's (or Toadette’s) lack of movement works in the game's favor as it ensures that the puzzles can not be cheesed. If you have 3D World there are bonus levels that can be challenging (I still have not beat Mummy-Me Maze Forever) so that is a plus. The game is not a masterpiece, but I had fun the entire time I was playing it and it has a lot of charm so it gets a high rating.

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This game is one of the classic Lego games so it gains a little bit of a higher rating on that basis alone. It has clever little moments such as the hidden Star Wars characters and manages to have a sense of original humor by not having voice actors. Besides the charm, there is not much it has to offer. Like most Lego games the gameplay is shallow and there is much less bonus content even when compared with other pre-open world Lego games.

There are a number of Lego games that I look back on and realize that they did not have much to them. This was not one of those games. This was one I did not like while playing it. It had fancier graphics, but that just seemed to slow things down. The first game had a pitiful hub world, but from what I remember this had none. The only new story is the fourth movie which is the worst one. As a kid, I really hated the forced boss fights at the end of each movie. The Ark of the Covenant one feels particularly wrong considering the original scene has the Nazis dying for trying to hijack the power of God, but in this scenario, the villain is given a burst of power (albeit brief).

I never owned this game, but I played it with friends and with my cousin. It is fun to play for a day, but most of the games are not that great. The cow game is funny, find the Mii is not bad, and the tank game is amazing, but overall it has very little replay value which is not good for a party game. Having a limit of two players is also really weird for a party game.

Any game that I had fun with as a kid and that my friends still enjoy playing today already starts at 3 and a half stars for me. This game has so much love put into it and it is amazing how much fun can be had when there is really only one game mode I care about. This game has a great roster and there are so many hidden gems such as Toadsworth. (As soon as I learned how good of a pitcher he is I managed to piss off my friend so bad that he jumped on me in real life). You can play without RNG, but having a little bit is a fun way to add some variety to the game and get angry reactions from friends which is always fun. Even the single player campaign is fun. My friends who grew up with it get a lot more out of it than anyone new to the game. Other party games that I have feel more accesable to new players. That is a very minor gripe, however, and the game still deserves a very high rating.

This is just the original one with Marvel characters and it was this one that really opened my eyes to how shallow the franchise is. The strategy with this game is to barely make a game, and then split it up so that you are forced to pay extra just to barely get a full game.

This game is a cheap cash grab. There is so little content that is laughable and everything is swallow. Buying anything extra even if it is a world feels like a waste almost as soon as you play it. Many of the worlds are also dull. The Incredibles world is the most bland city imaginable, the Lone Ranger world is just a desert, and it was a bad choice to have Monsters University instead of Monsters Inc. The Pirates of the Caribean world was not to bad even though it still had little to do. I feel as though I have betrayed Epic Mickey (my favorite game) by playing this game and buying a lot of extra stuff because this was around the time when Disney Interactive had given up trying to make complex games in favor of easy money makers and I fell for it. Epic Mickey 2 may have been bad, but I think Disney Interactive gave up on making good games too quickly. It would be dishonest to say I had no fun with this game so it still gets 1 star

This game does almost nothing new from any of the other New Super Mario Bros games, but it is still fun to play. It does not have as much nostalgia for me as the Wii version, but I still feel like I got a good amount out of it. There a few creative levels that stand out such as the painted boo level that make one wish that the whole game had that level of creativity. The main reason the rating is as high as it is is because of the Luigi mode. Making everything a timed mode and having a jump that is deceptively tricky make sthe game a lot more fun for someone looking for a challenge. I never liked that in 4-player mode someone had to be Nabbit, but looking back I realize that every time I managed to get 3 other people to play at least 1 of them probably needed to be Nabbit

This game has a lot of nostalgia for me because I used to play this a lot as a kid. I had 21 Webkinz most of which I named Fuzzy because I was not very creative. The game had plenty of fun minigames with in, ability to play with friends, and allowed you to customize your house. Besides the cartoon version of the plush there are also many fun original characters It is a cute game that is perfect for kids. As a kid I eventually started to drift towards Club Penguin. One of the big things that hurt this game was that it started to be filled with ads and things that had been open to me became for members only. I can understand having a way to make money for people that only want to play the game and do not want the plush, but prior to all the in game transactions having a plush was your ticket to everything. I think if you had an actual plush that that should remove the ads or at least count as a membership

I played this game in the summer before I went to college. It was fun to play for awhile especially as I am a Disney fan and I played it with my dad. I was able to get Steamboat Mickey which had been my goal. At the end of the day though these kind of games are just too time consuming. If you are not paying to win you have to play an hour a day just to keep up. If you want to get more rewards you can join a group, but then you are faced with even more pressure to play. Many of the game modes just end up making it easier to autoplay instead of actually play. I gave up the game when I went to college and I am glad I did. Looking back I realize that I was more excited about receiving rewards than actually playing the game. This leads to an endless cycle of trying to earn rewards to power up characters to get more rewards etc. I understand why people like these kind of games, but it justs makes me feel unproductive

This is a classic in the early Lego video games. This game has a lot of love for Batman and gives the impression that the developers are fans of Batman and his great rogues gallery. Besides having a lot of Batman villains it also lets you play as them. It is missing the open world that the second one would add that adds a lot to Lego games. The gameplay is also simple. Regardless of what it does not have this is a great game for kids, and/or Batman fans. Like with the movie that would later be made Lego shows that they know how to handle Batman.

This was the only Lego Batman game I owned as the other ones I played at my cousin's house. It is also the weakest one. It does not have the nostalgia element of the first two and the open world being broken up into small planets makes it less fun to explore. I don't even really mind that at this point it is a DC game instead of a Batman game. The DC jokes and the lantern corps are something I enjoyed and allow the game to have the score it does. The real problem with this game is a lack of charm which is what carries Lego games in lieu of good gameplay