This game was a lot more fun than I was expecting. It has all the charm of the original show, great music, and fun platforming. The platforming is challenging especially as you have to start far back if you lose all three lives, but that added more to the game and it made beating it all the more rewarding. I can understand why platformers like Shovel Knight have taken inspiration from this game. (FYI: I have never played the original so I'm not talking about its success as a reboot, but as a game in itself). It is a short game, but it has a lot of love and is a must-play for any fan of retro games, platformers, and/or Ducktales the show

This game was something I really wanted as a kid, but the allure of the toy gimmick wears off quickly. I enjoyed playing this and I liked the trigger-happy character. The problem is that everything is too easy even for a kid (I did struggle with the final boss which required more than the basic three for me, but even that I probably could have done without extra Skylanders). It is a really short game with pretty much nothing to do after the main story. I also remember buying the ship figurine for my cousin's birthday. He was so excited as he had been wanting it. We played the one level that it came with and were very disappointed.

This is my favorite blend of challenging and easy levels when
it comes to Mario. The wide assortment of power-ups both for Mario and Yoshi are a lot
of fun and they don’t seem to make the platforming irrelevant (besides the cloud flower
which is still a lot of fun). While I don’t like the hub world as much as the original I do
like finding green stars instead of replaying the whole game with a different character.

This game has a lot of nostalgia for me because I used to play this a lot as a kid. I had 21 Webkinz most of which I named Fuzzy because I was not very creative. The game had plenty of fun minigames with in, ability to play with friends, and allowed you to customize your house. Besides the cartoon version of the plush there are also many fun original characters It is a cute game that is perfect for kids. As a kid I eventually started to drift towards Club Penguin. One of the big things that hurt this game was that it started to be filled with ads and things that had been open to me became for members only. I can understand having a way to make money for people that only want to play the game and do not want the plush, but prior to all the in game transactions having a plush was your ticket to everything. I think if you had an actual plush that that should remove the ads or at least count as a membership

This game has the ultimate open world has the world is infinite. In Minecraft, there is really nothing that you can’t do. You can build anything and there is so much to discover. I personally like survival mode much more than creative mode,
because I like having to earn what I have. I also like that there is an end goal if one wishes to pursue it. A great part about this end goal is that there are a lot of different factors
that go into it and along the way, there is a lot you are able to do. The end goal also doesn’t end the game. Instead, it expands what you can do, by giving you the ability to
glide. Exploring is very rewarding as there are so many different things to find each with differing rarities.

This is a classic in the early Lego video games. This game has a lot of love for Batman and gives the impression that the developers are fans of Batman and his great rogues gallery. Besides having a lot of Batman villains it also lets you play as them. It is missing the open world that the second one would add that adds a lot to Lego games. The gameplay is also simple. Regardless of what it does not have this is a great game for kids, and/or Batman fans. Like with the movie that would later be made Lego shows that they know how to handle Batman.

Lego games are a pretty low bar and this game is terrible by Lego standards. It takes an unoriginal movie and stretches it out to a very long length. There is none of the charm that carries other Lego games and the worlds are bland. It's especially bad when you take into account that the Complete Saga is one of the most beloved Lego games. I used to complete these games to 100% or just about, but with this and Age of Ultron, I finally got too bored to continue

I played this game in the summer before I went to college. It was fun to play for awhile especially as I am a Disney fan and I played it with my dad. I was able to get Steamboat Mickey which had been my goal. At the end of the day though these kind of games are just too time consuming. If you are not paying to win you have to play an hour a day just to keep up. If you want to get more rewards you can join a group, but then you are faced with even more pressure to play. Many of the game modes just end up making it easier to autoplay instead of actually play. I gave up the game when I went to college and I am glad I did. Looking back I realize that I was more excited about receiving rewards than actually playing the game. This leads to an endless cycle of trying to earn rewards to power up characters to get more rewards etc. I understand why people like these kind of games, but it justs makes me feel unproductive

This game is one of the less popular ones, however, this game is still a lot of fun to play with friends. I have so many memories of playing competitive games such as the Mario-themed one and cooperative ones such as the Zelda-themed one (technically my first introduction to the franchise). The cooperative games are still fun when played alone and the solo games can actually be enjoyed with others. They are
short enough that comparing scores is easy. The game knows this which is why solo games are included in tournament mode. The hub has a mini-game where you can use your coins to unlock various Nintendo-themed prizes. This is both rewarding and a fun way to pass the time if you are waiting on a friend for some reason.

This (along with Wii Sports) was the first game I ever had. I have a lot of fun memories with it and it is still fun to play with family or friends for a day. Now that I am older the fun only lasts so long. Most mini-games are shooting games that get repetitive and the 3D is not good. The most fun I had playing this game recently was seeing old high scores and reliving childhood memories, but if it weren't for nostalgia this game would have a lower rating.

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As a Disney fan, this game really appealed to me. I liked how the characters know that they are actors in their cartoons. The story also develops over time instead of having one clear goal and just going towards that goal. This is also one of the
few stories that dare to give Mickey some character development. We see that Mickey is initially blind to the fates of his less successful co-workers. Mickey himself has forgotten several of them. On top of this, he is responsible for ruining their lives. Mickey is given a major culture shock when he sees how the less fortunate live. I also like how every character comes from something previously connected to Disney except characters that are created by other characters within the story. The gameplay is innovative by allowing you to create or destroy the world around you depending on your needs. My favorite
aspect of the game has to be the impact your choices have. The choices you make do far
more than change the end credit scene. They affect the way the NPCs treat you and even
future quests. For example, there is a land called Venturland that is filled with refugee
pirates. If later in the game you stop the machine that is turning the pirates into
animatronics, the pirates in Venturland will feel safe enough to return home. Once the
pirates leave other Toons will come to Venturland and have different quests for you, however helping the pirates is completely optional. You could do nothing to help them leave Venturland and instead get new quests from the pirates. I also like that it is possible to fail quests as it forces you to think about your actions. The music is a part of the game
that I enjoy especially the parts that take happy Disney songs and change them to something dark and creepy. This is made better by the fact that there are no lyrics which
can make the changes more subtle. There was one background song that I had never realized was from an old show until I replayed the game this year.

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This game blew me away! I played it in November 2022 (well after the initial hype). I had heard good things about it but was not really expecting something other than a laid-back funny game. It is a laid-back funny game, but it is so much more than that. The story is easily the best story I have ever seen and that is because of the way it uses the player's choices as part of its method. I have always liked when games give you choices, however, there are few games that I have found that really push what this can mean. It has so many great and memorable characters. The fourth wall breaks are really clever and feel like how they should be. I have always had a soft spot for fourth-wall breaks, but recently it has felt overused in pop culture. This game pushes the fourth wall really far all while feeling fresh and original. I played this game three times. Once with a neutral run, once with a pacifist run, and finally a true pacifist run. When I got to the end of the neutral run I thought "This is how you do a final boss!" and when I did the true pacifist run I thought "This is an epic finale!" I also did not realize that the true pacifist run would lead to a whole new area to explore. That alone felt like a reward for doing the right thing. I feel as though nothing I say will do this game justice because it is spectacular

This is my favorite platformer because of how
challenging it is. There is a real sense of accomplishment when passing many of the levels especially those on mirror mode. The music and the visuals make it feel like an
even more complete game. I have not done everything there is to do with the game as there are still some puzzle pieces, mirror mode levels, and many timed levels. Even
though there is so much more I can do I still feel as though I’ve gotten a lot out of it which goes to show its incredible amount of content.

This game is so much fun! Like most Mario games, it is easier, but that means that my family and casual friends can play. It has some great bonus levels that add a challenge, which I usually look for in platformers. I think that having the challenge after the main story is the perfect way to give more experienced gamers something to do while making sure that casual gamers have a sense of completion. I really like Champion's Road and I think it is actually better designed and harder than the Perfect Run. Introducing anyone to this game is always a blast especially as they can play as an easy character like Peach while I play Toad

I have always liked Mario Party games because they are more laid-back
then a lot of other multiplayer games. They are easy to pick up and I get excited when people are willing to play with me. This one is easily my favorite as it’s the only non car
one that I can play on my TV with other people. There are also many unique style boards including one based around investing in hotels, one that is randomized, and one where you have to steal stars from others. (I wrote that review for a friend before I got Superstars. 8 is no longer my favorite Mario Party game by default, but what I said still holds true)