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June 11, 2024


This review contains spoilers

I am beginning my Metal Gear marathon! I'm planning on beating all (mainline) games release up until MGS4. So MG1 & 2, MGS1, 2, PO, and 4. I already played 3. I'll also be throwing in the digital graphic novel, Twin Snakes and maybe Document of MGS2 if I can get my emulator working. I own PW and MGSV, but decided to hold off on those just for my sanity's sake. I have another marathon I'd like to do soon, and I'd like to tackle the rest of Big Boss' tale after I process the main "present" story (I know PO is a Big Boss game, but I gather that it's so unimportant in the grand scheme that it doesn't matter). But this was a very good start to this marathon. It's been on my backlog for about 2 years now. I stopped my original playthrough because I missed the thermal goggles and couldn't get passed the laser maze with just my cigarettes. Man, I wish I didn't stop though! This is a phenomenal game, one of the best aged on the PS1. An amazing story filled with such intrigue, amazing characters (Otacon is one of the most endearing characters in fiction imo and Ocelot is so cool), and really memorable moments. By the end I was so excited to hop into MGS2, I was just so gripped. Liquid is such an entertaining villain, and his whole belief that Genes define you, while not really explored suuuuper deep here, lays a good foundation for the rest of the series. I'd argue that MGS2 gets a little sidetracked in some areas regarding that, but thats a different review. But yeah, great plot. The gameplay has aged SHOCKINGLY well. It's very very smooth and was always really fun to play. EXCEPT that stair sequence near the middle it brings the whole experience down. And having to backtrack for some stuff like the sniper and Thermal Gogs is annoying, but one makes sense for moving plot along reasons. and the other isn't mandatory so whatever. But yeah good game. Play it.