This game is too ambitious for it's own good. You get a sequel that changes the identity of the original while also trying to juggle the GTA, Tony Hawk, and edgy phase the gaming market was going through at the time.

While the story is good and a great step up from all of Naughty Dog's Games (a peak at their future), the game design bogs it down to a crawl. Short 5 minute missions with 5-10 minutes of traversal back the way you came from for a minute of dialogue. The core game loop is not satisfying despite the new gun mechanics and story being good. There are good levels in between the boring missions but to get them you have to slog through some slop. Unfortunately one of the most tedious games I have played.

Game is so good for the first two-thirds then falls off hard once you get to the Volcanic Crater. I can replay this game up to that point endlessly.

Game is now even worse than before, so many features were removed, buggy, scummy currency practices, horrible game design, etc... Insane that almost a year later this is the state of the game.

The addition of Free Style mode and Co-op helps bring already amazing gameplay to the modern sensibilities of 5. Mix this with the best story in the franchise and you get a near perfect game that is top of its class in this genre let alone the industry.

Capcom pls take off the Switch exclusive shackles I beg...

"Will you forgive me if I have a dream again?"