50 reviews liked by Weetabix

I would crash a car through a children's playground to get a chance to play this game (sarcasm).

Jak II is a really interesting oddity of a title, there's a lot of stuff here I thought was really cool! The story was decent and the atmosphere really strong, and I love how the game kinda just lets you surf anywhere, it's super fun!

But at the same time, MAN is the game design here just really rough. This has some of the worst backtracking in anything I've ever played, full stop. Having to drive around this maze of a city between every mission it just really boring and repetitive, and the missions themselves are really hit or miss, there's some fun stuff like platforming sections and some cool races, but then there's shit like escort missions and slow boring mech suits, the whole thing is just this really dumb confusing mixed bag that feels like it was rushed out without a clear vision.

I don't really "dislike" Jak II as much as I thought I may have, as during some of its highs, it is genuinely REALLY good, but man the lows are just too plentiful for me to really like this one all too much sadly.

I desperately want this game to have a singleplayer mode because my friends were dogwater EVERY step of the way! This game BROKE me. I lost all feeling and stared at a wall for 10 minutes while my brainless companions run face first into a death wall over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over again.

broke: Pablo Sanchez is one of the best virtual athletes in a sports game

woke: if you put pink in your team logo and choose her first, Maria Luna gets a massive stat buff (6, 7, 3, 7, to 9, 9, 9, 10) and becomes easily the best player in the game

Broken ass mess of a game where you can die from one bad move.
I love it

Wreck-It-Ralph wrecked my wife

That Cover is the strongest a game cover can be

It's street fighter 2 but HD and complete

Played this with my brother at an arcade fairly recently. Neither of us are that good at fighting games but we had a good time.

One match he was playing, I think Blanka? And I was playing Ryu. He had the lead at first, but then I remembered the Ryu from Streets video and thought: "What if *I* jumped into light fierce?" This turned out to work and won me the match.