It's like Mario Kart but I can play as anime characters and furries.

Honestly terrible but god damn it I had so much fun playing this on Sonic Gems Collection because my friend didn't have Double Dash lmao.

Opening this game gets you groomed instantly.

Replicates the show perfectly. Only wish it was longer and harder.

Blazblue, Persona 4 Arena, and now Under Night In-Birth are all available on Steam with Rollback. There is basically 0 reason to play this now.

Genuinely the 2nd best fighting game I've ever played. If only French Bread wasn't stupid and didn't kill it instantly with a broken PC port a day before Tekken 8.

This definitely isn't a 10/10 but on the other hand it's one of the few games out there to feature Ibuki Mioda so it's a 10/10

Actually the funniest game of all time

Despite it's buggy nature and just not being scary at all, it's easily my favorite FNAF game because it's the only one with actual gameplay.

Good FPS for people who don't like doing anything engaging and would rather roleplay a turret.

Fine but lazy as a little bonus you get for buying Danganronpa Decadence on Steam. But the the fact they they try to sell this game on it's own for $20 is embarrassing.