very good story and also short, fun game to play in a day

very fun game only downside was i was playing while Stephen was watching

fuck this game, its hard. very enjoyable otherwise but child me could never get passed a level. I cant remember the level but i know i gave up after a month of trying.

this game is kind of unironically my favorite platform fighter. the level design is awful and half the maps you can get one shot by some random stage (power puff girls map) effect but that's why I love it. almost everything in the game is stupid overpowered and that's why its fun. I've had more fun playing this stupid ass game than I ever have playing smash bros.

although its not as good as giants was i still had a lot of fun and thught the swap mechanics were very unique and interesting.

i love thumpback, he's the best

I haven't even beat this game yet and it already one of my favorites

Game really made me feel like a purple pikmin

its been a while since ive played this game (like since 2016) but from what i can remember i had a lot of fun playing this game. i think i enjoy this game more than i did Minecraft. it has a lot for things to make and materials but the amount of it doesn't seem daunting it actually seems manageable and the design on enemies and bosses is really good. i should probably play this again but currently i do not own it so maybe someday

not a terrible game, the stealth was kind of fun and the combat wasn't too bad but I was not at all invested in the story. the only thing that really stood out to me was the designs for the robots. I thought they were well made and looked interesting. besides that the game to me is just pretty mediocre.

i really loved this game when i used to play it, i enjoyed the world and the customization i also couldn't kill anything because i sucked. i was only able to beat monsters because i met some random guy on xbox who helped me beat different monsters. so thank you random xbox guy.

was more fun than doom, but beside that its alright