the only bearable rpg style AC game (I only like it because of the setting)

I have played this game a lot and I love it for an AC game. sure it has the same problems as every other game but it's pirates and pirates are awesome

although I haven't played much I love the idea and setting enough to bump this up to 2nd place. this is also the only AC game I'm willing to play in the near future

This is the assassins creed I've played the most and it may not be the best but it Isn't bad, i also love the setting for this

its assassins creed and I've already said my problems with these games, this one just does those problems less worse and I like Ezio

I really wish I could say I enjoy the assassins creed franchise but sadly I can't. I love the idea of assassins creed and the story behind it but the execution of the games is just lack luster and boring. this game I think perfectly shows what every assassins creed is, it has ok stealth and boring combat. I wish I could love assassins creed but every time I try, ill play for a few hours into a game and stop because I got bored. I've played many of the other games in the franchise as well but each one has the same problems also half the missions in these games are the same thing. the worst part however is the modern day section, I see no reason why we need a story in the modern day. JUST HAVE IT SET TO THE PAST. it would be a much better story if it all just took place in the past, nothing would be missing from the game at all. maybe one day I'll come back and try this game or any other assassins creed game again but for now I'm done.

all i remember from this game is that i liked the music

an amazing and fun game. I have never been more patriotic in my life


I’m bored so I’m going to give this an honest review because why not. One of my favorite styles of games are RPGs yet this one doesn’t do it for me. I genuinely got bored playing this game, I don’t really care for the art style or the characters and the story I just didn’t enjoy. I’ve never finished the game and I probably never will but in all honesty it’s just not my type of game. I do enjoy RPGs I love chrono trigger and Baldurs gate and Pokémon. If you like the game good for you but I never found myself enjoying the game while playing.

Ok, I’m doing this again to make a point to @SannicFann. Yes I gave this a 5 stars but I know this games is fundamentally bad, unlike with you and hot tub time machine I can agree that Cartoon Network punch time explosion is a objectively bad game. I give it a 5 stars because it’s funny to play and it’s funny to put it up here. We are not the same

The platform fighter genre of games has been a genre that I have always enjoyed. I loved playing as characters from different games all fighting each other. the problem with most platform fighters however is they never make it fun. when I pick up a platform fighter I don't expect a enticing story or amazing graphics, all I want is a fun game to play with friends and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is that most of the time. it's, in my opinion, a very above average game that does everything a bit better than most. The combat is very well done and smooth. Unlike in games like Multiverses were if I try to hit someone my moves feel slippery in Smash the moves feel good, like I can actually hit my target. the move variety however is greatly lacking in Smash bros. to me a lot of the moves feel the same and look very similar, take a game like Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion. in this games a lot of the moves feel slippery but they each feel unique and fun to play, that is what matters most to me if the characters and moves are unique and fun to use. Sure Smash Bros is a fun game to play for a while but the lack of uniqueness in characters and abilities limits my enjoyment, after an hour or 2 I get bored and move onto something else. The characters as mentioned before are so boring and the same, sure this has the biggest roster but how many characters are actually unique. there are so many characters with swords that all have the same basic move set. why does half the roster have to be fire emblem, its stupid. the maps are probably one of the worst aspects of this game. half if them are too small and the other half are too big. most aren't fun to play on and the ones that are fun to play on are also just kind of boring. I understand that this game is not just for fun but its also a competitive game but in my opinion I think I good platform fighter should work more as a fun game to play with friends and family instead of a competitive fighting game.

one of the best mobile games ever made