This game was perfect, from the excellent use of the Orphic Greek Tradition as source material, the excellent art, Voice acting and smooth gameplay that makes you feel amazing once you master it, this truely was a perfect experence for me. No notes.

This was quite the fun RPG! Nintendo really has a way with sucking you into their games and this was quite the blast. The characters were fun, the combat easy to master but it was not quite a perfect game. Some of the platforming was tricky since you're a 2d object navigating a 3d world which often caused problems for me. Plus after a certain point battling didnt really get you anything because the EXP scaled hard, so there were points in the endgame where battling was pointless cause there was so real benefit. Thank god they put fast travel in the Remaster cause some quests would have been a slog without it.

It takes real skill for a remake to be able to evoke similar feelings properly. At first the upgraded visuals were a smidge uncanny valley but the gameplay was smooth. The way that this game was able to suck me back in to a point where even though I knew a tragedy was coming, and even planned around it; it still hit the correct emotions. My only complaint is that the game can get very same-y near the end and the last bit of dungeon crawling was more tedious than anything.

The pseudo-singularities were very hit or miss for me personally, but the inclusion of fictional characters to become servants kicks ass

This game is very addicting and took so much of my time and money its terrifying

Marking this since I finished "A Realm Reborn" the first segment of the story and saw Credits. I mained White Mage and had a blast, only running into trouble with some heavy single player DPS moments that I had trouble getting the damage out for. I am gonna definitely keep playing but the first majour story bit is done!

This was a great ending to the trilogy! Between the new scenario of Cantarella and then giving us not one, but 5 stories of pining love, including a fake lovers scenario. The best part was at first they make you think you're only getting follow ups for the Finis Route from the Second game then they surprise you with extra epiloges that follow the stories from the very beginning!

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At first this game didn't really catch me; A Chunnibyou Scientist accidently makes a time machine and makes all his friends wishes come true. Then Chapter 5 hits and everything gets fucked. Then this turned into a perfect tragedy as this scientist becomes actually mentally unstable as he has to systematically undo each of his friend's dreams to save his childhood friend. And then the Coup de Grace: you have to sacrifice the woman you love to save your childhood friend. I especially love that they stuck with a bittersweet kind of ending where even in the true ending where you can save both of them from dying, the girl you love still doesn't remember how you fell in love; its a perfect Bittersweet ending.

This is a great way to finish the trilogy, my main gripes are 2 fold. One: i wish this wasnt a trilogy i want more of this lara games. Two: the big bad that was introduced in the second game was rushed and finished off screen. It was anticlimatic and felt like the concept of this big bad was rushed and they could have done the trilogy as three stand-alone adventures.

An ok sequel but it added one of my most hit or miss mechanics: crafting. In some games it works but it felt off.

The perfect reboot to the franchise, this young version of Lara is relatable, vunerable and the best way to show a transition from the young timid girl to the Tomb Raider

A game that outperformed the orginial in everyway, such a fun game with excellent mechanics.

This game was a faithful rendation of an episode and an overall fun experience but it cant get more than 3 stars since you can constantly get a game breaking bug in the abortion centre sequence that can cause you to never progress further

There is a thing with Resident Evil games where they're more horror, or more survival. This one was more survivial which is probably how I beat it, since I'm shit at the more horror faced titles. Also Remake Jill is super hot.

So for immersion I highly reccomend playing the game with subtitles and the french audio. As a person with a bachelors' in history I loved how for a good part of the game was historically feaseable, where like yeah these are children in the 15th century not understanding the world and how chemical reactions work (sulfur + most things explode) but then in the third act, everything goes supernatural and thats why this game isn't five stars. It would have been a masterpiece if it was just these kid's trying to survive a world they dont understand.