Remember when Until Dawn came out and it felt like a playable horror movie and your choices mattered and the characters were stereotypes but you grew to care if they died or not? Yeah strip that all away and you get Man of Medan

Characters: Adorable
Gameplay: Fluid and fun as hell, even grinding didn't feel tedious
Story: who the fuck knows (get it together Namura)
I have to replay a bunch of games to regain trophies and I'm holding off this one until I'm having some Sad Bitch Hours to replay and cuddle the Meow-Wows

Don't get me wrong, I love Aqua, but this wasnt a game, this was a demo for the Kingdom Hearts 3 engine. Plus the things it wanted from you to complete it was asnine or annoying at best. The fact I need to play it again to get my trophies back hurts my soul

Getting the platnium trophy was a fucking slog, and personally I like when my Rhythm games have a throughline to keep songs going so the world mode was nice. Killing 100,000 enemies for the final trophy was a ordeal, the final session taking 3 hours playing on the hardest difficulty to get the remaining 14,000ish left after getting all other trophies, to the point I was dozing off while playing

I have my complaints about the story (You know what you fucking did Namura), and I hate the attractions but this to date is the best Kingdom Hearts game, hands down. Did I cry during the ending, and once more during the dlc: absolutely.

Aqua deserves the world.
Now that that's out of the way, I like the way they do prequel-esque things and they deserve props for having you play the same worlds 3 times yet make each experience feel unique and not same-y. The characters could use some work in their interactions, but unfortunately that is a hallmark of the series as a whole

Battle mechanics: smooth
Story: who fucking knows
World Choices: Some of the best in the series (Minus Atlantica because fuck that noise)

I'm a sucker for media that makes us question what makes someone/something human and did I bawl like a bitch during this game, absolutely. It can get a bit heavy handed at times but it does masterfully mess with the uncanny valley, but I'm unsure that its intentional

I want to hate this game for the way it ends and the gratuidous fanservice but its too damn fun. This game reclaims the charm from the first one and when the characters arent being nutcases or perverts they're delightful

Although it has a lot more mechanics than the previous, this game falls short in other ways, with odd character interactions, lackluster executions and a twist seen from space the only reason this game gets a 3 is the inclusion of the Ultimate Gamer

Got hooked on the anime and when I came to play the game it didn't disappoint. What a fun take on the courtroom drama visual novel with interesting characters, great crimes and nice twists. I still quote this game to this day

I don't consume a lot of Star Wars content, but this is the first game that has kept me riveted since the KOTOR duo back on the OG Xbox. The combat is fun to master and flows excellently and the characters are layered and complex.

Capcom is getting some of their credit back with this new generation of Resident Evils but they're pushing their luck. This was a great remodeling of what people love from 4 and there were some great scary bits (the dollhouse literally scared me), however the plot left a lot to be imagined and the promotion really played into Lady Dimitrescu even though shes only in the first section.

One of the pillars of the Persona games, as I get older the struggles the teens go through get more uncomfortable but it jogged and opened the door for the Persona Spin offs. Also Marie is mid, I said it.

Tour de force that appeals to the fans of the old game, newcommers to final fantasy 7 and fans of the franchise as a whole