187 Reviews liked by Wishfulclogger22

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What an excellent idea for a roguelite, this game unlike others in the genre has you bein able to pick and choose one of three different dungeons to journey into to try and get a key plot relevant asset to advance the story and give Fizzle more power
And on top of that youre goin through a beat-em-up style take on the formula where every equippable item that aint your fists is a disposable breakable item!! and this can range through a LOOOOOOOOT of different shit
it can be staplers or stacks of paper to fucking buster sword boxcutters, spears or drills it rules

I think the mentor system is also pretty great too, i personally gravitated more to Kara and Swomp's perk abilities bc stealing 1 item from the shop or holding two apps at one time is so fire

LIKE tabbi's money perk is cool.. but why would i give a fuck about an exclusive prime shop when it takes so much time to even see the shop
And Ray and Fern i admittedly never used much, i wasnt rocking with either of their perks or even tried them more than once, it wasnt even some shit tht felt like it impacted my runs for the better.

and SPEAKING of runs, I think the bosses are fun and even the imposter MODE difficulty is pretty fire. THOUGH I DO GOT MY GRIPES AND CRITICISMS OF IT. . . LIKE. the journey getting to actually fight imposter is funny because shes not a hard fight at all. infact shes like depressingly easy to me
but i guess thats what happens when you get sent through all three dungeons in one swoop over and over

what i Dont get is like.. when you beat all of that shit! there's no grand plot revelation with Jackie, there's no huge thing its just
"yea u keep beating me.. keep coming back! keep going if you can muahaha" and thts it.. just endless internal str-... hm. maybe its just suppose to play on that though. This game has a LOOOOT of outward obvious joking and comedy about capitalism, workplaces. coworkers, etc the works! i mean for fucks sake even the art style is intentionally riffing on corporate training video design but in a roundabout way its all really charming to me

I think there's nothing wrong with making a game thats topical because the core of the writing isn't even just being quirky but mocking things like amazon warehouses and how inherently insatiable progressing technology is and toxic work culture and bag chasing
to the point where the whole damn city's on fire but atleast everybodys not chained to working somewhere shitty for now........sometimes THE POINT rings harder
in a way the game has a good ending tht also has bad/sad undertones to it because in a bittersweet way, fizzle and cubicle were pretty much just two of several companies like this.

ALL IN ALL THO, I LOVE THIS GAME, was surprised with how queer positive it all is too its awesome
I think this is also not a very long game in the grand scheme of things so you could say itd be a great first roguelite to put someone onto the genre and understand how it works too :)

lilli and jackie shouldve had a date at the end so the lack of this cements a whole star being docked... /lh

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box cutter buster sword wasn't something I knew I wanted till this game

Turok 3 traumatized me as a kid. Joshua Fireseed was my hero and role model, and I had spent hours messing around with the other two games. When I turned this shit on and he died in the fucking intro I think a part of my innocence died too, I was like 8 years old. Why would they do it?

Great game if you want to feel like you're 12 at your cousin's birthday party and every single one of your aunties (especially Rose, that asshole) talk to you like you're a newborn puppy. I'm 12, Rose. I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm basically a teenager. Goddamn.

this game sucks ass fuck the pikmin

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This game is really bad. The combat feels horrendous, its clear they rushed this game out with the new dragon engine, several parts of Kamurocho are under construction and inaccessible to the player for the entire game, the game's combat is incredibly simple, (just use extreme heat mode and spam buttons) and for some good awful reason, this game has no way of hitting enemies when they're down. There is no downed enemy heat actions. I can overlook the boring combat though, what pisses me off is how awful this game's story is.

Kiryu is cute, I like the idea of him showcasing his fatherly side again, seeing as the last time we really see him taking care of the orphans was back in Yakuza 3, if you don't count the short time we are at the orphanage in Yakuza 4. However, that is it. There is only two good new characters in this game and that is Someya and Joon-gi Han. Every other character is lame as fuck and not interesting.

My first problem are the Hirose Family, they are so lame. Nagumo is obviously trying to tug at the player's heart strings the same way Rikiya is, but he is somehow even more bummy than Rikiya and not as likable as him. Even worse is Yuta, I was fine with him for the most part but the game stretches him so thin, he is the heir to the Saio Triad and the man Haruka had a son with and both reveals to this information are incredibly fucking stupid. The rest of them are just completely nothing characters outside of their loyalty to Hirose.

Secondly, the treatment of these legacy characters in the game is also awful. I don't mind a Yakuza game focusing on solely new characters, but when you start the game with that sequence that informs you of every important character up to that point, Daigo, Majima, Saejima, Date, Akiyama, etc.. you'd expect the game to give them any sort of screentime at all instead of just completely sidelining them until the end. What pisses me off the most is how Haruka is portrayed in this game, it feels like they had no idea what to do with her after Yakuza 5 so they do some bullshit like this in order to create some stupid central issue for the game's plot. The Haruka we have grown to know and learn as the game goes on is a person who does not care what anyone thinks about her, she threw away her dream of being an idol just to tell the world how much she loves her family, and you expect me to believe she'd vanish from them for some stupid reason like "Me being here might hamper your ability to succeed in the future." ?? The straw that broke the camel's back is Mitsuo's scholarship, however, he was already scouted by the people offering the scholarship to him and says that if he doesn't get in, the only reason he'd fail is because he wasn't good enough, not because Haruka is an ex-idol with a tainted past or that the legendary Dragon of Dojima is his father. Unless these scouters really hate orphans or something. Haruka plays a nothing role, she is completely incapicitated for the entirety of the game up until the very end, which is understandable considering her situation in this game, but the way that the game is portrayed it'd make you believe she was a much more important character instead of her role just being the mother of this mystery child for the entire game.

It just feels like an incredible slap in the face to the people that have grown to love these characters that have made the series what it is by this point, and the way the game is built up, you'd expect this to be the last time you'd ever see some of these characters (assuming you knew nothing about 7, Gaiden or IW.) so them having little importance to the game's story and characters like Haruka being completely sidelined and doing weird shit it'd feel like she'd never do makes me upset. I choose to believe this game does not exist in the case of her development because she is so good in Yakuza 5 and was my favorite character up to that point, but this game simply drags her down for me, a lot.

If boring characters and boring combat wasn't enough to put you off, the story is even worse. It is this overly convuluted, stretched, boring, slog from start to finish. The only interesting parts of this game are the initial reveal of Haruto and the final post-credits sequence. I find the reveal of the secret of Onomichi to be interesting but it feels like the game never really showcases the importance of that secret or the ramifications of it being revealed, the government simply covers it up and the only thing it does is get Hirose killed, it barely serves a purpose in the story when it's one of the central conflicts. I could appreciate a villain who is just nothing but spiteful towards the world because of the way he was raised and just wants to be evil, I don't think characters need a redemption arc, but Iwami is just so fucking boring. His only explanation for being the way he is is because he wanted to be a Yakuza but his dad didn't let him, such a lame excuse for the final boss of Kiryu's story. He is fittingly evil, the final cutscene with him taking cheap shots at Kiryu at the threat of Haruka and Haruto being killed is the only interesting thing he ever does.

God, this game sucks so much it makes me genuinely upset to think about. At the very least, the Dragon Engine is beautiful. The seamless entering and exiting of stores after having to watch a loading screen everytime up to that is genuinely amazing, Onomichi is one of my favorite Yakuza towns just because of how small and tight-knit it feels, I'm a sucker for small towns and I think Onomichi does it very well, and of course, it is a beautiful town day, dusk, or night. The soundtrack for this game is incredible, just listen to DESTINY or Town Bully, one of my favorite soundtracks in the series for sure. I also find that the letter that Kiryu is writing being revealed to be for Daigo instead of Haruka to be very charming, I enjoy seeing the gradual shift of Kiryu's attitude toward the position he put Daigo in change, from his firm belief that it was the best decision and that everything will be fine, to understanding that it was cruel to strip a man who had almost rid himself of the criminal underworld and force him back into the Yakuza even if it was the best decision for everyone, how he failed Daigo not only as a friend, but as a father figure, pushing him into that position, forcing him into a world of crime only to attempt to run from the Tojo and live the peaceful life he's always wanted. It is nice to see Kiryu finally realize some of his mistakes and to rectify or solve them before his (expected) untimely end and that letter to Daigo is the closest I had come to crying before Gaiden, it is excellent. The same cannot be said for the rest of that post-credit sequence, the lame cop-out death for Kiyomi that does nothing for anyone other than to soften the blow and for the game to pull its punches, that moment almost ruined the post-credits sequence for me.

Essentially, this game is bad, the story is bad, the characters are bad, the combat is bad, and the OST, credits and visuals are the only good parts of it.



“The book is always better” people were real silent when this dropped

One of the first youtube video game reviews id ever seen that would also eject my 11 year old ass into getting more into looking at all the awesome shit you could find online. Even as a kid it was very easy to see tht even though James Rolfe was playing a character, there ws genuineness and fact being shown on my friend's moms shitty dell laptop

This game looked like it sucked in the late 80s, it looked like it sucked in the early 2010s, and finally here i am having played it in the 2020s telling you that its definitely never been exaggeration LMFAO

But you could probably guess and be safe on that guess off of just 3 seconds of gameplay footage in action. This is a unique premise for a game where youre actually moving Jekyll in tandem with Hyde going from point A to point B
it sounds simple enough except your walking speed is atrocious
the enemies are all nonsensical to the point of their AI even feeling sporadic in how they want to pursue you and attack you
It's like the developers wanted to make the most intentionally aggravating kind of adventure platforming ever thatd stress you out, like putting you in the shoes of a paranoid schizophrenic person(i Imagine) thats been having a lot of consecutively bad days and everyone feels like they could set you off.
When it happens to you, and its gonna happen a Lot, you get to play as the expected big angry fuck doodooragonist and use his SUUUPER CRZY PSYCHO WAVE OH MY GAHHHHHHHHHHH AUUUUUUUUH AUHHHHH and it still fucking sucks and takes a lot of predicting to even get a kill with its insane LMFAO
like cool he can do a laser thing
thts abt it though/
your other means of attacking are utterly worthless and i came into two game softlocking bugs where a bomb blew up and i literlly couldnt move at all but all sounds kept going
its also funny to me how against all odds this is actually a pretty solid idea for a game that in anybody elses hands could make something cool with

the way its made is shit in such a highly specific way to ruin anyone's day,,, and they fucked it up even more by removing content and all that from the japanese version of the game and there's like an alt ending
which is laughable alone that theyd thikn anyone would care enough to genuinely see this game through a second time or wind up saving them by sheer chance

this is kind of dissolving into just me poking and picking at- not even a dead horse LMFAO like its not even dead this is more like just examining bones in a graveyard if anything and wondering how an animal moved around with the structure in the first place

This wont be the last time i beat an NES game of a property thats not from japan thatd get pushed and forged in japan though, because i found out there's actually more instances of this happening.. though im pretty confident Ill like a n y of them more

Also the Cover art goes hard atleast...
yea i got nothing LMFAO see ya


honestly this game is girlypop. you're telling me all those dudebros on twitter screeching about censorship were playing a game where you can wear pretty dresses, get your hair done, & listen to kpop-esque tunes in the world?

yeah.. sorry dudes, the girls gays & they's are taking this one.

i mean its dr fucking mario bitch like these dont technically even Have endings to them either but i sure did storm thru the lot of these
this is also the only one ive played where i think there was any semblance of continuity attempted(ive only played the og and one other one im forgettin the name of) considering that luigi's actually here! i remember dr luigi and airing the fuck out of it because it was one of those things where like you know you're a wii u owner and youre primarily a PC and Wii U owner because youre not made of money as a kid and your parents also aint so thts kinda the bread and butter you got going on

but i thought it looked Kinda Cool
just like this is kinda cool, got some nice lil blocks in the mix to shake things up with how you deal with the viruses and luigi and mario pivot off of each other with different map goals that keep it fresh with the music thats just Made to worm in your head in a freakish sense

this also use to have online multiplayer!! and i heard it was actually pretty solid kinda like m o s t 3ds online multiplayer for stuff
but i never got to try that
im sure with the workaround systems we got nowadays with 3ds spotpass and online nowadays its still doale but i doubt thatd impact my opinion of this game in any super meaningful way im gonna b real w you

puyo puyo, dr mario, tetris
these r the golden pillars of brickblock bullshit and i respect tht

first of all id like to wave a proud middle finger to dimps to altitude limit zone as a whole and to those fuckass rocket shits you gotta grab in a leap of faith superman mentality, and the latter special stages REGARDLESS if theyre cool or not. . .mk now i can talk on this with clear conscience

i almost dropped this game SEVERAL times and wanted to but my wife told me i needed to lock-in and i proceeded to be like this game is on that BULL shit though, but eventually... Eventually.. i Did lock-in and got good .. Eventually!

It's got one of the best soundtracks in the series(of the games ive played thus far), and i love the models i love how crunchy they look, i love the aesthetics of this game and the trick system is really cool and the boost mechanic is Probably my favorite of any sonic game ive played that even has one! And Blaze is awesome and I think her individual story ending was more satisfying than Sonic's on basis alone of her being a character that actually developed in this story

You got everyone from knuckles, cream, tails, amy and the eggmen...eggmans?...the eggmeese! But amy's still her weird boychaser self in this era that they loved leaning into for the sonic x and onward structure of the series until Maybe...Generations??????? idek, im still a relatively new fan LMAO thats just a guess i know it dies down eventually though but I love when Amy's like.. cool..
tails is sweet and cream is arguably second most important side character in all this
this really does feel more like the blaze and cream game than it does the sonic and tails show
which im happy about because from what ive been told this is blaze's best and first game appearance and i think thats just s a d but i do see what people meant
Burning Blaze fucking rules and she rapidly shot up in my faves even before I hopped on IDW Comics or anything like that :) !!
Sucks that Knuckles really is just kindof T h e r e for the game but it wouldnt be the first time Knuckles and Amy are just kinda T h e r e with nothin going on but some neat little interactions so im not pressed.

The zone variety is really cool in Sonic Rush as well as the actual enemies you face CARRYING OFF of enemies from sonic heroes and even adventure 2 badnik design, really caught me offguard. The special stages are also pretty awesome and tense, though i think leaning into touchscreen shit for them made me way more anxious about them than I shouldve been tbh. And thats just a Me thing, probably a lot easier for other people.

The bosses in a graphical standpoint look really cool and I dunno I think id take them anyday over 3/4ths of the bosses from the classic sonic era, fuckedup how they got some with instakills going on though
and thts smthin tht kept pissing me off with this game in particular! there's a lotta shit that you wouldnt know about unless you trial and error your ass off, i got A ranks on some of these fuckin zones and acts and that felt more like a sink or swim mentality thing rather than something i WILLINGLY wanted to do
I wound up doing that because of how crazy some difficulty spikes can be in this game and wariness over enemy placements and grabbing as many rings as i can to stack those fucking extra lives.
The final boss surprisingly enough isnt even the hardest boss in the game to me, thatd be the one before it because it has so many moves in rotation that it didnt wanna use in tandem with how to actually Damage the fuckin thing
but i still loved it,
i cant rank a sonic game that samples malcom X anything lower than a 3.5/5 honestly.
Though i do think its crazy how the true boss chapter will just pick up from however many lives you had left with sonic and blaze in their own stories respectively ... like thats kinda HARSH?? but atleast when you die itll pick up from the last check you were at from Sonic's perspective ATLEAAAAST
like the game's not That punishing

but all in all, this game invoked a lot of deep seeded anger within me which is really funny looking back because its got a lot of charm and some of the most fun 2d sonic gameplay ive tasted
It may even shoot up higher on a revisit, but i just cant meatsuckle a video game that makes me do some of the fuckshit this made me do im so salty
great time, higher end of the games ive played
but oh my god for a short game this had to have had kids in the early 00s BUUUUUUUUUUUSY

this awoke something in me, time to never talk about it ever again