Log Status






Time Played

8h 20m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 13, 2016

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I don't think this game is quite as bad as people say it is but it's a game with so much lost potential. I'm not sure if it's fair to call this Platinum's worst game, because I'm not entirely sure how much of the game they actually worked on/made decisions on but it is so lacking that spark that Platinum usually puts into their action gameplay. Zero really needed to be so much more than it was to have a chance of being considered good. What is there is not bad, it's certainly fun at times and CAN be pretty to look at, but... that's about it. The chicken walker thing is boring and is never something I looked forward to using, and the Landmaster is a bit awkward, unfortunately similar to most of how the game feels. I don't really understand how this game managed to go so backwards on the concepts that the previous games had built up, like on-foot combat or underwater combat. There is so little variety when the variety HAS existed in Star Fox for so long and just needed a little extra push, but instead is forgotten entirely. Again, what's there is decent but the biggest issue is just what never was.