Incredibly fun side scroller shooter. Easy to pick up and play. The end is a bit long, but hey more explosions. It's a game wherein I can just turn my brain off, put some music on, and just have a great freaking time. (4 because the ending is literally longest level to ludicrous amount lol). Edit: Lowkey 3 is more accurate for how I feel about this game

Great pickup and play I keep coming back 2. I suck at videogames, so YAY FOR OPTIMISATION! If you wanna, you can play on harder difficulties with the whole team mode aspect. I prefer the solo one on one fights with assists. The point is, I enjoy the fact that they're are options. The story mode makes zero sense and I have no idea what the King of Fighter's even means. What I do know is that the cast is awesome, the fighting mechanics is mad tight.

Loved it as a kid, but now that i'm older it don't hit the same. Needless to same i'll cut straight to the point. Kirby is to slow and sluggish in this game. Most of the combine abilities suck ass. Worst off all, some crystals are just impossible to get first playthrough without prior knowledge because they're so outta the way or copy ability specific. Which is then made worse by the fact you need ALL CRYSTALS!! Just to get the true ending. This game had a lot of ambition and creative ideas, but It wasn't executed well.

I initially thought this game was too hard. Now i'm a scrub gamer. I suck at videogames, but i'm a sucker for fun videogames. This is what that game is. Hella fun. Thank god it's optimizable because I was able to continue max all the way through. However, for those who want a hardcore approach, It's totally present and super rewarding. It's a Schmup, so your shooting enemies and avoiding bullet hell damage. The designs are pretty good and i'm not even a guy that likes fantasy. Especially the bosses, they look like something outta Backugan, it's really badass. The shooting is great. You have 3 different types. First is standard shooting, second is sending your dragon out for a stronger shot while your still mobile (you can also let the launched dragon do a special in this mode, and lastly the Schmup staple of blowing shit up with da bomb button. It's a whole lotta fun and all the levels are creative whilst providing a fair challenge. All the difficulty in this game I had was a skill issue. So, as a noob I had plenty of skill issues lol. However, improving in this game really feels great because the longer you live the stronger your weapons get, so going on a streak makes me feel like The Fist of The North Star just tearing through his enemies. This game is challenging and a whole lotta fun. Throughout this week, Dragon Blaze was a constant game I would pick-up and play.

Perfect Dark is a game that challenged me. It's made me humble myself as a gamer. As old school games like this make me realize why I fell in love with the medium in the first place. First off, the shooting is phenomenal. I'm a mid 00s zoomie, so FPS games like this are not what I grew up with. Nope, I grew up with big budget shooters like Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Titanfall 2, and Halo Reach. All kino experiences. However, I did get a taste for the old school when, in 2019, I played 007 Nightfire on a 50 dollar PS2 (pre-pandemic retro prices mog today's). Auto-aim, cool gadgets, expansive levels with secrets galore. I enjoyed it at the time, but compared to Perfect Dark, that game was a cakewalk. Perfect Dark on the other hand, kicked my ass. It made me realize how much of a scrub gamer I was. Matter of fact, the reason there is such a long gap between my start and finish date is because I rage quitted!!! Originally my verdict on Perfect Dark was that, it was outdated, overrated, and too vague in it's level design for players to understand. Needless to say, I was butthurt and didn't know what the hell I was talking about! Now that I've beaten the game, I've come to the realization that I love it. The story is super creative and superbly paced. It's an engaging sci-fi espionage tale for the ages. I found it Incredibly riveting. The level design is straight up brilliant. It initially came off to me as hard because I never cared to invest the time into understanding what I was actually playing. However, once I decided to read through the short debriefs before each mission, I realized the game gives you all the tools you need to succeed. It's up to YOU, the player, to execute them. Even if you don't read it, the mission will literally drop almost unavoidable hints about when to use an item to complete a specific task, but because it wasn't spelled out for me, I was initially filtered. Now I see it for what it is. An essential element that keeps the game balanced, whilst preserving the mystery of what's to come. Old-school game design that puts gameplay first. It's organic and efficient, so I have to give it props for wonderful level design. Following that, the shooting in this game feels amazing. The guns are diverse and feel remarkably different from one another. The spy weapons also all have their own personality as well as niche. It all makes for a satisfying gameplay loop of combining the two to complete the objectives for the mission. Also, I must praise the soundtrack, which fits the tone, oh so perfectly. Overall, Perfect Dark Zero is without a doubt a game I love. It's a game that rekindles my love for the medium and inspires me to play more as well as think outside the box! Not to mention, no spoilers, but this game has a satisfying and challenging final boss which I now consider in my top 10.

This is a Pokémon fans meat and potatoes. I'm to old and loaded up with wagie labor to go through a traditional Pokémon RPG like when I was a kid. Thankfully, in dat good ole Y2K, Pokémon Stadium launched in the states. It's literally all battles and zero grinding situations :) You can compete in the different tournaments or try to beat all the gym leaders. I used the rental Pokémon feature since I was playing through the switch expansion pack. I played this game for hours on end and never got bored. The rental feature is on point, the battles are a reasonable challenge, and it's beyond easy to pick up and play. I love this game. Also, shout out to Yung Lean, he featured gameplay in his music video "hurt." Which in turn, got me interested in checking dis joint out.