Solid next gen fighter. While it was downloading I played a couple matches against the computer and I really like the feel of the game in this Tekken. Moves are smooth and fluid, movement n sidesteps is seamless, and heat/meter is a nice fresh mechanic that keeps the gameplay flowing well. Of course, I wanted to test the limits, so I setup a match between Jin and hell difficulty Kazuya. It was Hella fun and I managed to win through a combination of juggling, timing, and big damage. I also watched low tier god's stream of the game wherein he was losing his shit and it was top kek lol, love his streams. Overall, I like what I've played and I'm ready to dive into the full package now that it's downloaded.

Bought this game on sale and it's one of the best purchases I ever made. This is the best multiplayer since BO2. I don't care about campaign. Multiplayer I've already sunk a tons of hours into and it's only gonna continue to climb. Superb movement, guns with weight, and wonderful maps that flow well.

Nasty ass game. only game i've ever gotten a steam refund for in the same day.

This game was endlessly shilled on 4chan. I saw hot woman so I bought it. The story was funny af and good. I got the giant woman ending because of course.

Unhinged, disturbing, mean, and funny af.

Hella fun. Great maps, great weapons, and overall just hours of fun too be had. This made me change my mind when I was like "OMG MY BUSSY HURT GAMING IS DEAD." 2022 was soo cringe. Nah, this game is kosher quality shit. Games like this prove the medium is well alive.

Brilliant first half, but the timeskip section definitely could've been better. Way too many flashbacks. Also, the ending was pretty ass.

Trash and boring. Again, WHY DOES FAR CRY SUCK SO MUCH!

Reminded me of why I hate Gen 4. Not even EXP share can salvage this ovverated Gen. Still painfully slow and the pokemon roster sucks. Also WTF is the point of team Galactic!

Knock off left 4 dead, but still fun with friends. Had a blast playing with randos once in this game lol. I use to be the squeaker in game chats and now i'm the grumpy adult lol. Time flies man.

Feels like a Halo rip-off rather than a true Halo game. just lacks soul.

I love and hate this game. Definitely toxic community, only game wherein i'll get shitty mean messages on Xbox even if I lost. However, it's hella fun and with a mixed martial arts game it's too be expected. Over 20+ Hours on this game.

This is what gaming is suppose to be. Simple to pick up and play + great with friends. It's a classic beat'em up in the modern day.

Sexy. The way it makes the player navigate the story mode is annoying and a bore. The gameplay mechanics are tight and the best DOA since atleast 2. Awesome customization as well. Still charging 30+ for DLC is insane though.