I used to be excited by this crap! I used to be hooked by the amazing concept of this game! I was so fucking happy when i originally install this...but all i had was a unfinished, laggy, and glitchy mess...i litteraly played 5 minute of it before quitting...it was litteraly THAT bad (the game look super simple, and yet ran at 10 FPS)

I used to thought that it was my computers fault, but NO!

Its just that this game is a terrible, buggy, unfinished mess

It costed 10 euro...and it was 10 euro wasted on a garbage product

There is nothing to say, its not funny Bad, like the other game i put 0,5 star so far

Its just bad


I found you... fucking piece of shit

Finally, i will be able to review you

Idk why i wanted to make a review on you specifically, but...i finally did

Now, i can finally say that you are the biggest showelvare scam i ever seen

You only had 6 truly different minigame, and the other one were litteraly skin swap at a higher level than crash Bash

You are ugly, you sound Bad, you are useless...and yet, i wanted to review you, despite the fact that there is nothing to say about you

But now that i finally did, now that i finally found you in this website and that put you a warranted 0.5 star, i feel...emptyness

I dont need to live anymore, im free

Now im gonna grab a rope...and just tie my tie with it, because im late for work, but i dont know how to tie a tie properly

Goodbye, piece of shit of game i always hated, now i am finally free from your shadow

When i started playing this game...i was honestly kinda bored. The first level was fine, and had a creative setup and theme, but the platforming itself really felt unengaging and i was thinking to myself : is this game really special ?

9 hours later, i can safely say that: yes, it damn is

Lets talk about the whale in the room: the mind you explore are exceptionnal level : after that first level, they all have interesting concept, gimmick, stories to tell, layout, atmosphere, theme, visual...EVERYTHING ! That manage to convey the struggle that all of the character's mind have to struggle with, and give them more personality that anything from the story alone could have give them, making them super creative and engaging, on top of a pretty solid level design that enhance the story and gameplay, turning them into beautiful allegory about mental health and struggle

In general, the psychologycal and mind aspect of this game are just so well utilised : they are not only very well used in the level themself, but also outside of them, and manage to turn a pretty simple premise into something really unic, and, while flawed, turn the story into something truly engaging in a way i wasnt expecting

The character are also really solid...for the most part: i couldnt care less about the intern (aside from sam), and the cast from the first kinda take a step back, but the rest of the cast all have something funny, quirky, interesting, layered things to tell, making them really likeable and believable

Of course, the game isnt perfect, like, i feel like some psy power arent as usefull as other, and i also had few instance of janks (the movement or depht perception for example arent always great), and the combat is really mediocre, but i'll be damn, this is one of the most unic platformer i have ever played, despite its flaws, and some of those level alone are worth the price

Also, shoutout to Richard Horvitz for having the greatest fucking voice ever, he carry his role so hard

This game, for some reason, kinda intrigued me for a long time, so, obviously, i had to emulate it to see why i was

And after playing it...it was alright

Sonic control pretty decently and he is enjoyable to play in those sort of remix of level from sonic 1 and especially 2 (something odd that i noticed is that sonic 3 music are the one remixed in this game, oddly enough): we have a remix of green hill, chemical plant, casino night, aquatic ruin, sky chase, wing fortress and a sort of mix between scrap brain and metropolis zone

So basically this game is doing a similar thing that sonic mania and....sonic 4... ugggghhhh

Fortunatly, the level design is decent in this game, not amazing, but this game made the smart move to take only one zone from sonic one (the only good one), and to not entirely take metropolis, so yeah, well played dev

This game is honestly kinda cool, but its about it, its just a nice but really short game, that doesnt have a lot of issue (except the hitbox detection that can be really jank in some place), but doesnt have outstanding element

Im happy to have played this.

My original review for Celeste is by far my most popular review, but also the one I want to remake the most: i feel like it doesn't pay enough justice for how amazing this game is, and how important it is to me. Its character, story, gameplay, writting, visual, soundtrack, how it plays... EVERYTHING! Is perfect.

And Celeste 64 helped me solidifies my love for OG Celeste: it kept intact the charm, writing and character from celeste, even if it isn't present much. And the little sign at the end of the game thanking the whole team, their loved one and the player made me tear up. Only 3 games made me teared up, and this chunky little game made in one week is one of them! I can't stress enough of incredible it is of a task for a game like this.

And the visual and soundtrack are almost equally as good: they oozes with charms, reminiscing from, well, a N64 game. The low poly aesthetic is on point, and the game even comment on those aspect a few time, in, of course, a funny way, adding even more charm in all of this.

The level design, while only existent for one level, is amazing: it encourages so much exploration, and every corner is important. And the bonus level inspired my mario sunshine of all things are wonderfully design.

But sadly, this game is rather glitchy, and not that fun to play itself. It truly feels like it was made in one week. Madeline controls fine in open space, but in more restricted area, in can be tedious to play, especially when you have to grab walls. I swear, sometimes, in doesn't work. Maybe its a reference to how glitchy any wall movement in mario 64 is, but its still kinda not fun. Madeline also have weird physics: sometimes she has extremely weird inerty, sometimes, her side jump and moving platform send you in weird direction, and sometimes, Madeline just fall like a rock. But, I would say this: the feather somehow controls better in this than in OG Celeste, AKA, the only part of celeste where controls where a bit odd. Thats kinda hilarious actually.

But overall: while this game isn't made for the average public, it is a pure love letter for the fan. It oozes of love for Celeste, and honestly, thats the only thing a games like this needed to do, and yet, it did more than that: with great visual, cute writting and stellar level design: this game is the perfect "fan game"

I wasnt sure that mortal Kombat was Bad...BUT FOR THIS ONE IM SURE: Ok lets start with the pros:
The games is impressive visually and technically
The music is great (for the megadrive thats a miracle)
Hum...green hills zone and spring yard zone are really solid zone
The games control fine

Ok lets start with the fun part: i cant stand the level design of this game...its just not build for the gameplay of sonic or fun: its full of bullshit and yet its stupidly easy. The bonus level are stupid and not fun like at all, and their only purpose its to collect chaos emerauld...AND ITS NO USE.

In the end, its more of a techdemo than a actual games, go directely play sonic 2 and skip this one

This games is the first video game that i truly remember loving, and even tho i prefer games like mkw or lego star wars from games in my childood, in my opinion, swap force still hold up. First of all, presentation whise, this games is freaking gorgeous and strangly have a good soundtrack. Secondly, the level design and gimmick, while easy, are still very enjoyable and are feels of creative background and enemy...behaviour, because the enemy themself are just creature... BUT DARK. The extra content are defenetly the highlight here, like this level when you can froze time is so damn cool, and has one of the best boss fight of the game...speaking of which, thé boss in this game are or pretty great, or a absolute pathetic jock, so thats kind of suck. Because yeah, the games is painfully easy, and the upgrade you can purchase, while fun, are broken for a lot of them. And yeah, the story is not really good even tho i like the character

My tips, play this game multiplayer in the campaign or the versus mode, its a blast

Remember when CoD wasnt a Bad franchise ? Because this games is the litteral definition of a good cod: topnotch multiplayer, with killer Map, gamemodes and weapon, a iconic zombie mode, the menu itself, who contain, with the famous computer, a ridiculous amount of easter egg and unlockable. this game introduce MOTHER FUCKER NUKETOWN, and has a actual good campaign, with great character, mission and music. The only problem i have with this game is that they are not a lot of variety in the campaign and the graphism, who arent Bad, but are so grey, that i actually think the games is depressed. Also why, they are only computer player for only two gamemode in local? Thats kind of stupid

Why is this game so good? For the sims serie, this game is a masterpiece: its when the series became 3d, when the sims started to age, when the city was bigger, the house more creative and when the world was more connected. its when you could gave a proper personality to your dumbass sims and kills him with more style ;). And no, i will not mention all the expansion, or else, we will be here all day...just this game is one of the most iconic of the 2000

This game as just so much flow and creativity...MY GOD THE MUSIC LEVEL ARE GREAT AHHHHHHHH. Seriously the level design and variety are so great, the control and momentum of your character are flawless...this game'presentation is kickass too, with his exceptionnal music and graphism...just, this game make me want to see a other rayman game...but hey, at least, i can play a little bit of rayman legend, kung foot are challenge in this game until rayman 4 came out

Like the only bad thing i can think of is the fact that the boss are less good that origin, (still good tho) and the game is really easy...but thats it

This game is just nuts...and the only reason i still allow Ubisoft to exist lol


Seriously, this games is pretty good: i would say that the level design is a lil bit less good than in Sonic 2, its by far way more creative: the zone, except carnival zone, have all unic gimmick, with a great sense of speed, and beautiful environnment... because yeah, this game is pretty, with busy, but effective visual, nice sprite and background, really good cinematic for a megadrive and a killer soundtrack, like always

Sonic control as great than in sonic 2...except in the bonus stage...im talking about the sphere one, because the other one are not really fun and interesting honestly. in the bonus stage, there is a weird delay in every move you do, and overall its not very good

But, despite some flaws, this is still a pretty solid game, that i recommand playing

Its fast, pretty, sound good, control well and with good level design...and knuckles

Never a game gave me such a feeling of freedom!

This game is just...addicting, endless and just feel...real ! And it manage to pulls that effect simply by giving us the most freedom possible ! As soon as you get out of the crypt that served as a tutorial, you are just left Aline with the world that surround you, and, sûre, you can always follow the intended path directly to start immediatly the story, but....the game also let you go...basically everywhere from the get go. And that what this game is about: freedom and immersion : this effect is also pulled of by how the quest are structured: they basically dont have one, and you are only left with vague indication given by the rare npc, but this lack of structure allow you to tackle that said quest howewhere you want, and it even apply for the main story. Story that is quite interesting, yes, but, honestly, you will even forget that this game has one, because, again, the game let you do whatever you do, and wont force you to continue the story....again, adding to this sense of freedom and Wonder: wonder that is accentuate by the superb visual and divine music (even on older hardware).

Gameplay wise, its quite simple really, and feal like a dark souls spin off: two kind of attack, Parry, Roll, running, jumping, even spell for some class of character...but this simple gameplay, not only is effective, and make the game super satisfying when you beat a toth boss for exemple, but also show that, sometimes, the gameplay doesnt make the game

okay, sometimes this game repeat content (its a open world tho, so its unavoidable at this point), sometimes the camera doesnt work well, and sometimes the control can feal janky...but come on, its elden ring

one of the most thrilling game ever made if you ask me, just with all ths freedom you have






If i had a nickel everytime i was close to give a 4 star to a nes game, i would have two nickel, which isnt a lot, but its weird that it happened twice

No seriously, i really like this game, but it just have one BIG issue that is just unberable, and a smaller issue that is kinda annoying : anyway my biggest problem are ALL SLOWDOWN AND LAG:

When it happened, all your input are just so delayed and the game so slow that its nearly unplayable, and it happen way too often to be a minor complain...my other minor complain is that, when you are possessing a enemy weakness, the only way to get rid of it is to get it...so yeah, it can be super annoying when you are at low health

But other than that...its the game that created the copy mechanic! A phenomenal concept, that is wraps around very solid level design, great presentation and soundtrack ESPECIALLY FOR THE NES, and kirby's control and momentum are rly great, well, aside from the slowdown moment of course.

The boss are also really crearive...the actual boss of course, not the bigger enemy, and this game is just impressive..explaining why its so laggy

My advice: play the 3ds version, it get rid of the slowdown

The not game is ok

The puzzle that arent in the game are kinda clever

The non existant graphics are good

Too bad that the not programmed 4th wall breaking gimmick was done better in other indie game such as undertale or ddlc

They did it better because the game existed

This was indeed the game of all time