This game is honestly one of the most underrated metroid game out there...but at the same time, it isnt...let me explain

If you want to review this game as a regular game: its fantastic: presentation is incredible for the Wii, with a incredible soundtrack to keep you on board, the level design and puzzle geniously design and are accentuated by the gameplay of samus, who, for the most part, control rly great (except in some motion control instance). This game, as a all, is great

The main problem of this game tho, is that, while its a great game, its also not a great METROID game: for 3 main reason: firstly, the game is shockingly easy: the boss fight, for instance, are rly well designed, but are for the most part a jock to fight, and the combat overall, while satisfying, is rly easy. Secondly, while the planet have a amazing ambiance, that will make you feel completely alone, all of that is sadly thrown out of the window due to the fact that you are always helped or giving indication by someone in the game (aurora or the colonel, for instance), and this allow me to jump on the third reason why the game isnt a great metroid game: the exploration. Ok, some item are rly well hidden, but for the most part, the game love to give indications to where to go, and that kill this thrilling sensation of finding item or even just where to go(this tendance kinda disappear in the late game tho), i can also quickly mention all the satellite, that reveal all the emplacement of the item, but honestly, they are completely optional and were smartly implemented, so i actually rly like them

So in conclusion, while i love this game, i cant say this necessary a excellent METROID game. Just a excellent game

On a quick note, the story and concept were pretty good, and remain the only metroid game with a good story on the Wii...DOESNT IT, OTHER M? I HAD A BLAST WHEN I HAD TO KILL DUMBFUCK METROID, AND FREEZING ALL OF THEM TO DEATH

I litteraly only played this game for the soundtrack...and now, its one of my favorite game of all time... gaming is so weird

Seriously tho, not only the presentation is incredible ( the excellent music, the colorful and full of life graphism, the great animation of the character) but this game is incredible to play: the moveset of kirby and how he control are on point and make him a blast to play, the level design is varied, sometimes simple, but sweet, with great gimmick that distinguish one level to the other...but the two main force of this one are, firstly, the combining powerupp gimmick, that make this game stand out even more, sith all the incredible combinaison you will be able to pull off, and secondly, the fact that this game isnt fully a 3d game style, but more like a 2.5 d game...making it stands out even more

By the way, did i mention that world 5 of this game is litteraly a commentary of our society about how mass industrialisation might kill all of us? I sure didnt expect that in Kirby, but hey, thats sakurai's Magic

The only complain i have is that sometimes, the crystal shard are rly tedious to collect...but other than that, it a almost flawless experience

This make me want to see a fucking sequel: this dlc was fucking sweet

The game is not as good as crash 4. There i said it

I mean, the control and level design are good, and the flow of this game is still great, but all of this was done more competently in crash 4, and i dont get why people are saying that warped is better because of that. Tho, i will admit, the game look and sound great for the time and is still fun and compétent...AND COMPLETING IT ISNT BULLSHIT ! But i just enjoyed going throught the game: its a more consistent game that "its about Time", but it doesnt reach the same high

Im sorry chief, this game isnt my thing.

But i swear this game as just so much potential, and this potential is reached at level 3 and in the two special stage...but, other than that, this game is a worse than megaman x, a game that i already dont like:

Let me explain why i think this way: the gimmick of this game is to go back in time for puzzle or combat purpose: super idea in concept, but in practice, i majorly used this gimmick as hitpoint, and thats it: like, how? Well, thats just because the level design, overall, wasnt well built around this gimmick: its really barely useful in the game, except in level 3 and in the two special level, but other than that...meh...

The other 4 level are just bland level just filled with generic enemy and...wait...did i said only 4? THERE IS ONLY 7 ORIGINAL LEVEL IN THIS GAME? AND FIVE OF THEM ARE REPEAT WITH LITTLE CHANGE AND ARE NECESSARY TO BEAT THE GAME? THATS ACTUALLY WORSE THAT THE N.VERTED LEVEL IN CRASH 4, BECAUSE, AT LEAST, YOU DONT NEED TO COMPLETE THEM TO REACH THE CREDIT. and thats the two biggest problem of this game: underused mechanic and pading...but even then, im not over

You want to know why i didnt want to use the time mechanic and only using them as hitpoint ? Cause, sometimes, the game just randomly decided to put bullshit over bullshit for no reason...but hey, at least, the mechanic recharge after use, right? NO, YOU IDIOT, ITS NOT CASED IN THE SECOND PARY OF THE GAME...and the most emblematic part of this problem are the two final boss: daddy (i call him how i want, shut up) his pattern are just stupid, especially in the rematch...but the other boss arent like that, dont worry, they all have problem: first boss is just boring, 2 boss would have been alright if, in the second face, you couldnt have been randomly trapped and doomed by the pattern of the squishing obstacle, boss 3 is by far the best, but his second face isnt that enjoyable. Boss 4 is annoying as hell, with his stupid orb. And the kohaku's kinda cool actually

For the rest, the music is great, as for the character ( except the boring and dumb antagonist/daddy) the story is heh, and the pixelart is nice and all, but the location are just...uninteresting

I wished the game was more like stage 3 or tge two bonus stage


Seriously, this games is pretty good: i would say that the level design is a lil bit less good than in Sonic 2, its by far way more creative: the zone, except carnival zone, have all unic gimmick, with a great sense of speed, and beautiful environnment... because yeah, this game is pretty, with busy, but effective visual, nice sprite and background, really good cinematic for a megadrive and a killer soundtrack, like always

Sonic control as great than in sonic 2...except in the bonus talking about the sphere one, because the other one are not really fun and interesting honestly. in the bonus stage, there is a weird delay in every move you do, and overall its not very good

But, despite some flaws, this is still a pretty solid game, that i recommand playing

Its fast, pretty, sound good, control well and with good level design...and knuckles

This game is hard as hell....but damn everything about it is satysfying: the control, the gameplay, the weapon and enemy variety, the very ambitious level design...its also really beautiful, full of detail with a kick ass soundtrack...and the ending is just a beautiful middle finger to the player

I cant give it more than 3.5 star tho because sometimes, it can be very unfair and the game is very short, but you are defenetly going to have a blast with it

Can i just say this is the worst game i ever played?

Horrible visual, controls, boring gameplay, no variety NOTHING

And even tho they used daniel...THE BOT to voice acting in this game, this game isnt funny bad...its just...garbage, pure and bland garbage

I have litteraly nothing to say about it, this game is just bad

This game, its like takechi challenge or Sonic dream collection : its not good at all, its stupid with a lot of bullshit and no one care about this game anymore but i love it

This was the game i was playing in school because the only purpose of school is controlling a man in wheelchair being launch everythere

This game is just fun but its also i get it why PewDiePie became famous because of this game... BECAUSE HE IS GAR...

Shit im censored now


The game feels very old to play but its still fun to play


It simple and yet its effective


The editor mod is basic and hard to use but its still great to create your own track in 1984


The games always looks kind of meh but the feeling of speed is present


i like this game quite a lot

Ok, the car is sometime very heavy, the difficulty of some task ridiculous and as overall a lot of problem...but come on, this is one of the most impressive arcade game that i ever see: the control are tight, the map and level design impressive as fuck, the pretty visual and soundtrack and just the fun that escape from this game : i even like the fact that you earn money by being a gigantic ass hole while you drive

This is probably to me one of the game who inspired later GTA 3, even tho they are different in a lot of level, but the feeling you got behind the driver seat are as much fun in both game

Hey, i found a sonic game that i hate more than sonic 1...great

Boring visual, boring music, horrible level design, even when they try new thing, broken physics, sonic as way too much weight and cant take speed for the life of him and jump like if he was on the moon, useless mechanic ..this game is just Bad

The only redeeming quality are the boss, but even then, they are way too easy and the music, but gave me a single sonic game with Bad music, i would wait

This game as just so much flow and creativity...MY GOD THE MUSIC LEVEL ARE GREAT AHHHHHHHH. Seriously the level design and variety are so great, the control and momentum of your character are flawless...this game'presentation is kickass too, with his exceptionnal music and graphism...just, this game make me want to see a other rayman game...but hey, at least, i can play a little bit of rayman legend, kung foot are challenge in this game until rayman 4 came out

Like the only bad thing i can think of is the fact that the boss are less good that origin, (still good tho) and the game is really easy...but thats it

This game is just nuts...and the only reason i still allow Ubisoft to exist lol

Its a really unic survival game, where you have to collect for 60 second the item you need to survive and then manage a family who will face wacky stuff and need to survive in the bunker...but the game is just too repetive and dont have a lot of content honestly...the challenge mod is worthless and the game way to easy, and yet full of bullshit

I just started playing it, and even tho, i usually dont review game that i barely sorry, but i have to here : the flow of this game is perfect ! Its fast paced,fluid,but not confusing, the game control like a dream,as dozen of weapon and its just great fun overall. Its a very simple game, so i cant rank it above 4 star, but still, its already a great game to me