Holds up to 2 in most every way (outside of writing) great movement and loot systems as well as a plethora of options for those who love completion objectives, its a great time

Beautiful short classic RPG, this game inspired so many of the games that have become my favorites over time, and it deserves more recognition

If you have not played Psychonauts you have not lived

Holds up to the original game in so many ways, Im due to replay it at some point to appreciate it as much as I do the original

Please god make a new spyro game like this please Im on my hands and knees begging please

A unique spin on the Borderlands series, not nearly as bad as people claim but the loot luck system does greatly hurt its replayability

Peak fiction, one of the greatest stories told through media, people who stopped after route A are the type to only eat the cream in an oreo and think they had a fulfilling time

Spent 100 hours speedrunning the game but never make me touch deathwish in my life

Do yourself a favor and don't learn to play this game with a controller it'll only hurt you

Best movement system in the series, while the content may be geared towards a more casual audience its still a fantastic time

I feel like this game is hard to top from its sheer spectacle, even if mechanics do improve over time this game really did feel like a world

Fuck Zorah Magdaros

This game had big shoes to fill and it doesnt really reach the mark, it gets repetitive quite quick and is very very easy, the opposite of what you'd want in a roguelike