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Time Played

34h 23m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 4, 2023

First played

October 27, 2023

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Is Alan Wake 2 the sequel we've all been waiting so long for?

In short, freaking yes! Especially for one chapter section not too far into the game but i won't spoil anything so i won't be saying anything about the story in this review.

So i'll start this off with ther soundtrack and if this game doesn't win best soundtrack at the game of the year awards then call 999 because the police need to be informed of that crime!
So during each completed chapter/part the game plays a different song each time and there's not a single one that's bad, some are better compared to others but all the songs on Alan Wake 2 are incredible and relate to the game and specifically the chapter you've done. I've added as many songs from the game as i can to my spotify, not all of them are on there unfortunately but the really good ones are!

This game should win awards just for this reason.

The Gameplay/combat and interactivity is miles better in this sequel than the Original Alan Wake, This game also doesn't rely as heavily on enemies being around constantly like in the original game aswell but they are there when it's needed and neccesary.

In my opinion they could of used alot more of the poltergeist activity such as objects being thrown at you and using the light to destroy them as this wasn't really used at all during the game.

Although there's only a few area's on the game you can explore them quite well looking for collectables, dolls, stashes and more, there's plenty to do for sure and the platinum trophy/1000g's is quite easy too as there is no difficulty related trophies.

You only have one normal flashlight throughout the whole game but you can get more guns as you play if you can solve the puzzles to obtain them which is fun and they certainly pack a punch.

I personally wouldn't say this game is overly that scary, there is some jumpscares and moments that might catch you randomly but as for being atmospheric and genuinly scary it's not that bad at all.

Alan Wake 2 is definitely a big improvement on the first game and i loved the first game aswell. There's so much they have built on & improved which will obviously make changes to the game/gameplay but for the better, Something you do get now aswell between main Chapters is boss fights, they don't make it overly obvious it's a boss fight but once you've done a few you know when ones coming and they're all unique too!

You can still use the quickslot options aswell to choose where you've like 2 weapons placing, 2 meds, flares ect but it's all easy to use, Smooth to play and really enjoyable!

This is definitely a must play game especially if you've played the first game and control as there is references to Control aswell but this game is nothing short of fantastic and i expect it to win alot of awards this year. It's my GOTY 100%