Log Status






Time Played

26h 51m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 26, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Originally played this on PS4 and completed the story but i didn't really enjoy it overly that much but after getting the PS5 upgrade i seemed to enjoy the game alot more

Got the platinum on the PS5 version and it was much better in my opinion
Graphically Fallen Order looks really good, it's a nice looking game and i didn't notice many textures bugs or glitches throughout
The combat was fun though, Stormtroopers shooting towards you and just flicking the bullets back at them with one flick of the saber was fun and the combat with unlockable perks was great to use and tutorials to go along with it.

Story wise it's good but it didn't pull me in quite as much as other games have in the past but it's still a fun game to enjoy if you're a Star Wars fan

you can go back to planets afterwards aswell to get the rest of any collectibles missed and obtaining the 100% on every map exploration was a bit of a pain at times but there's plenty of guides that can help with that if you're stuck for any reason.

Good game, Good story, fun and a nice soundtrack to go along with it
You can also choose to have a double saber (RIP MAUL) and customise your saber with different parts and colours and change the colour of the lightsabers laser too