7 reviews liked by XenoVerezi

This story was truly relatable.

I can fix her, but do I have to?

trails in the sky but good

kinda crazy how nintendo has amassed this cult of ravenous, coprophagic adult babies

I want to be nice to the game especially given a few of its more emotional moments that hit well with me and ESPECIALLY given how close it is to Rhianna Pratchett and how it weaves elements of how she felt in regards to her father in many ways and on a storytelling level, I think this game does do a lot of the themes and elements justice. I cried more than once. Ok I cry quite easily but thats not the point!

But when it comes to the actual core gameplay it fumbles and misses the mark. The platforming is all a little too simplistic, it never quite feels like its picking up any speed or drama and says at a pretty flat level throughout. The 'choices' that the game gives you as you play are all fairly superficial too and they never really impact whats going on outside of looks and the occasional unimportant story tweak.

The gameplay in general isnt helped by the controls being a little on the floaty and light side so nothing gameplay wise ever felt fluid or natural. It all led to a feeling where I just didnt really want to play the gameplay portions, I would much rather listen to the story on its own.

Maybe im just spoiled because I feel 2022's 'Letters - A Written Adventure' manages the gameplay in a much more appropriate fashion. It really is a game where I want the plot, I dont want the gameplay.

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