I feel like this game was made for me. every single aspect of this game I fell in love with, from its humour to its gameplay to its artstyle. it's all so spectacularly bizzare and charming that I was sad to see the credits roll. definitely a must play.

this was a very enjoyable game at the start, but gradually devolved into an overwhelming, buggy mess by the end. so many plot points happened that had no consequence, and towards the end of the game, I was sick of the entire thing.

this game was quite an enjoyable experience, although 90% of the levels you are playing as Bart or Homer. the humour was a bit on the nose sometimes with everything being a game, which felt odd as the Simpsons rarely do meta humour.

leagues better than the original Portal, gives the characters and world so much more depth and life. I loved GLaDOS' redemption and Wheatley being the main antagonist was hilarious and threatening at the same time.

this is THE Batman game. everything about this game is just perfection, and feels like you're playing as the Batman himself. the Joker is also an amazing antagonist in this game.

this is nothing more than a fun minigame collection that is probably made to show off more functions of the Wiimote. however, it didn't reach the same success as Wii sports, probably due to its later release and lesser appeal.

the first in the 'New Super' Mario games, and definitely one of the better ones. the movement in this game is translated very well from the previous 3D titles, and works surprisingly well in a 2D environment. replaying this game is also quite enjoyable, which is good since replaying is basically required.

this is an outstanding Batman game. every single bit of this game just reeks of care for the character, as the way he moves, talks and acts is perfect. the aesthetic of the game is on point as well, being dark and dreary for most of it, and raining very often.

I have very fond memories of this game from when I was younger. I remember the multiplayer being incredibly fun, and the zombies gamemode was always a frightening yet fun time.

this was THE Spider-Man game. every movement you took felt impactful, and swinging through the city was fun on its own, even when you had nowhere in specific to go. the combat was smooth and suitably fast-paced, which was heavily enjoyable.

Ruin knocks everything about the base game out of the water. it's actually functional this time, and despite being far more linear than Security Breach, it flourishes this way. the aesthetic of this game is unsettling in the best way possible.

base Security Breach was horrendously built. nonstop bugs and crashes left, right and center, which got exhausting. however, I will admit I actually really liked my time with this game.

this game gets so much hate, but I absolutely love it. the artstyle is so cute, and I like the gameplay, despite how random it feels at times. the map of the game is a bit poorly designed, I will admit.

this game still stands on its own despite its age. it's admittedly a bit sluggish, but still greatly enjoyable. I liked the mechanic of having a partner character with you through most of the game. I love Wesker.

Mario 64 is understandably one of the most well known games of all time for good reason. the gameplay is still very well made for its time, and popular to this day. I enjoyed my time with this game, however it was quite difficult at times.