one of my fav RPG game with great story and story music

- Great story
- nice music
- good characters
- funny comedy
- nice combat system

-poor equipment system
- poor level system

i quit this game when the game tell me about the License Board you can't use magics or equipment until you get the License Board first.

So let say you found a new Sword or Armor from a chest and you want to equip you can't until you find them in the License Board first same with magics

its a good game you can find random equipment from chests and when is night time have fun in the dark the only thing that lacking was online

its the best fighting game.

its have knock back knock up and catch them so you can do more combos unlike others games

its a great towers defend game its have heroes in this one

great puzzle game its have good story with multiple endings

first liner Final Fantasy game i ever played no world map, no towns no npcs the combat as bad

the game have less content than the previous Kingdom Heats 1 & 2

-less worlds
- no Final Fantasy characters

beautiful open world with an option of fighting head to head or be stealth as a assassin and kill everyone without notice you

its a great game with great story

its have a great early game but soon or later its get boring. in early game you can call and order pizza and ride a bike but once you got a party member the bike pointless. you can't ride the bike so what the point of having it?

its a great game and it have multiple endings

its not the best yakuza but its still a great game if anyone a fan of the series should play it even if they not into turn base

its a great game too bad its not the whole story