I'm not blinded by nostalgia. This game wasn't my childhood or anything. It's just one of the best games to ever exist. Period.

genuinely, 90% of these tracks are PEAK mario kart, and the new characters are chef's kiss

They made MK8 into a good game guys i can't believe it

No one can say this is a bad game. They just can't. This is BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL I TELL YOU

shoulda waited for the switch, bud. Shoulda waited for the switch. Battle mode is a disgrace

ignoring the fact that my boi waluigi got massacred, it's an incredible game with a ton of added, fascinating/awesome new features

why is waluigi in a forklift who certified this

rubber banding go brrrrr

but actually though it's a banger game

literally ruined my childhood when i lost, i cried in the chucky cheese

people rating this lower than 4 stars be tripping it's a masterpiece