Five stars if the final battle wasn't such a frustrating, weirdly-paced mess. I hope Nihilanth stubs his toe twice on the same thing and goes to bed with a pillow that's warm on both sides

It's a good enough game, but it gets repetitive quickly and DANG it's hard. I'm not the best when it comes to puzzle games, but this felt like it ramped up too quick and I was just stuck forever. If you do enjoy challenging puzzle games, though, it's worth a shot. It's not a game I'd suggest for most people though.

"You've played for 100 hours. Would you recommend this game to other players?"

Innovative but outdated. A legendary game that deserves the 5 stars but compared to the current landscape is weak at BEST. I still can't bear to rate it lower than 3 stars though, it doesn't deserve that

I'm sorry your opinion doesn't matter, this game is ALMOST perfection. I was a couple of years late to playing it (i played it first in 2021 lol) but it was worth the wait. HOLY heck, this game... Nintendo absolutely smashed it out of the park.

This game genuinely holds up to modern Kirby titles, especially the 2D ones. There aren't many abilities, but that is made up for by the 6 animal companions you can find and ride in different levels, which all give each power ability a new, unique spin. The levels are hit or miss, but the ones that hit truly hit. The bosses are a joy, and BOY that final boss is really fun. The controls are okay, not perfect, but still a really nice and obvious improvement over Dream Land 1&2. This game EXCELS when it comes to the personality of the characters though. Not only are the creatures unique and fun (they even get upset/sad when you choose other creatures over them, it's heartbreaking), but the side characters and enemies you encounter along the way are SO cute and fun. You can just feel the love the team poured into every crevice of this wonderful game.

No Maglor though 0/10

Crossy Road before Crossy Road was cool

it was meh since the beginning and now you see it so much behind "AITA for committing mass murder, shooting a dog, burning my ex's house down, etc" videos that it makes me want to die inside

Used to be good. It was a relaxing game with some cute gimmicks and a nice, chill tourney system. Now it's stressful and overpopulated with ads and different crazy challenges that are the opposite of what the game was suppose to be. You hate to see it.

I'd play this game even if it had a bunch of ads, but it doesn't have any mandatory ones, besides a few occasional tiny banner ads. The gameplay is super fun, the levels are fun, the challenge is fun, it's all fun. One of the few mobile games that's genuinely good and really proves that mobile games CAN be great, but just usually aren't.

This game is plagued with the mobile ad problem. It's completely fine and okay for a mobile game to have ads, that's how most of them survive; but this? This is gross. It's way too many. You cannot do ANYTHING without receiving an ad. The gameplay is fine, but the levels are repetitive. It's just not worth playing.

This game is great. The combat is super fun and engaging, the levels are unique and diverse, and the movement is smooth and satisfying. The opening sequence is fantastic and the boss battles are epic. The one large thing that holds this game back from perfection is the fact that it has a tendency to make you traverse back and forth through certain areas numerous times. And while there are technically multiple routes to and from places, there's usually 1 or 2 paths that are the only speedy way to where you're going. It can get slightly dull going back and forth a dozen times from the starter area on Tallon Overworld to Magmoor Mines to Phendrana Drifts. But other than that, it's an incredible game. I would 100% recommend to anyone on the fence about it. Buy it! It's well worth it.

Played on the Switch. This game is genuinely better in design and intrigue than Super Mario Bros. U. A game that I think still holds up, even today. Heck, graphically it's not "modern" but the amount of pixelated games that are popular now are crazy. GOOD game.

congrats nintendo, you made a good battle royale while simultaneously reviving a dying series. And it's really well made. Nice.