I feel like this game is trying to emulate all of its predecessors at the same time and as a result it lacks its own personality, and the gameplay feels like it's trying to be bloodborne while still reusing the same gameplay from Demon's Souls/Dark Souls 1 and not giving the player the necessary tools to keep up the aggressiveness like the rally mechanic and quickstep, the only thing allowing the player to keep up with the much faster enemies are a decreased stamina consumption from performing actions and an increased stamina regeneration compared to DeS/DS1 which leads to you just mashing the rolling button. The levels are much shorter and linear in this game which pretty much killed all sense of exploration for me and most of them feel pretty uninspired, levels such as Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Lothric Castle, Grand Archives, Irithyll Dungeon, and Catacombs of Carthus are ideas that we've seen executed before. The highlight of the game are definitely the bosses which is not surprising since by this point FromSoftware had learned much in terms of boss battle design from their previous games, most notably bloodborne, so in a way it feels like this game is more of a boss rush than anything else.

Fun but repetitive gameplay with not a lot of depth, most minions you encounter are annoying to fight and needlessly spongy, the new bosses are really ugly and forgettable, and have lame boss fights, the overworld is somehow worse than the one in the first game, and the story and characters were very lackluster (except for FU who was a great antagonist). I still enjoyed the game but it's a huge stepdown from NMH 1 which I'm beginning to think was lightning in a bottle. One thing I'll say though was that FU's first phase was absolutely phenomenal and it made me wish the rest of the bosses in the game were just as challenging and mechanically complex as him, a shame that his second phase was just terrible.

I couldn't stop playing this game for a week straight, that's just how good it is. It's basically classic SMT but with all the QoL improvements from later entries and a soundtrack that goes insanely hard, seriously listen to this shit

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R.I.P. Chopper

After installing some mods that fix the most glaring issues this game has I've come around to appreciate it more. Dark Souls 2 added some really neat features that I wish had stuck around in later souls games, and in some ways I prefer it over subsequent games like Dark Souls 3 because it tried to do its own thing.

Pretty much Blasphemous 1 but with better movement, combat, level design and bosses. I enjoyed playing this so much that getting all the achievements just sort of happened naturally.

Better than the original in every single way

I had this in my backlog for a very long time and finally decided to play it after beating Armored Core 6 for obvious reasons.

The story can get pretty dumb at times and some of the characters can be pretty frustrating at times (looking at you Asahi) but the improved gameplay and conclusion, no matter which route you chose, make this game very much worth playing, and in my opinion stands on par with the original SMT IV.

I would rate this four stars if it didn't have SO. MANY. GODDAMN. KLEERS.

Best monster hunter in my opinion, this is basically the franchise's "Everyone is Here!" moment

This is the single most infuriating and rewarding game I've ever played

Quite possibly the most soulful modern game I've played in recent memory. I'm glad this showed that good art direction and fun gameplay are more important than realistic graphics and long-drawn-out narratives that try to emulate marvel movies.

Update: RIP Tango Gameworks, fuck Microsoft