Fatherhood. It's the crux of the joke of this account, it's the glue holding together all the insanity and violence that the character of YourDadReviews portrayed through all of the reviews up until this point. While I'm sure there are many games that probably have better examples of fatherhood, I think Fallout New Vegas has ultimately become like the father I never had. Even to this point this game is always teaching me new ways to experience the journey, and on that journey we see a variety of fathers. Some are good, love their kids or are at the very least supportive of them, some aren't... I think the closest to YourDadReviews is Papa Khan, who is the patriarch of an entire clan of wastelanders. Much like Papa Khan, the character of YourDadReviews is haunted by his past. A past full of death, sexual gratification, drugs, and many other things. It was fun defining that past, making reviews and trying to tie it to the themes of YourDadReviews, but much like Papa Khan I wind up kind of stuck in a way.

I wanted to end YDR with a bang, something badass to wrap up the insane narrative I was weaving in my mind... but the more I think about it, the less I think such a character deserves such an ending. So, much like I do with Papa Khan in an NCR playthrough, I will silently kill YourDadReviews with this final review.

Thank you everyone for your love and support of YourDadReviews. Stay frosty.

P.S. The only April Fools joke here is that none of it is a joke.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

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1 month ago

We're going to miss you YDR