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Raivin commented on MiraMiraOTW's review of Life is Strange
You once again raise an interesting question of importance of authors intent, because if a piece of art accomplishes something accidentally without author's intent, does it really take its worth away and makes a piece of art worse? Like it happens all the time with e.g. Silent Hill 2 to the point Masahiro Ito is losing his mind or that famous "Blue curtains" meme.

The disrepancy between audience's perception and artistic intent is always conflicting and fascinating.

5 days ago

Raivin backloggd 1000xResist

5 days ago

Raivin backloggd Ico

5 days ago

5 days ago

Raivin abandoned XCOM: Enemy Unknown
i got a cool badass mexican sniper lady on my squad and she died and now i'm sad

bad game

7 days ago

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