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I honestly loved this, it was so peaceful and relaxing to just fly around and enjoying the scenery and mini quests. The ONLY things i wasnt happy about was the lack of a map as i got lost quite alot, and the camera moving so a bit janky but it was really nice to play.

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Was fun to play with my girlfriend until i got fucking betrayed BOTH IN GAME AND OUT. Evil game Leo could have just gone to fucking prison instead of dying at the end like it was so stupid for no reason, and why is it called a way out when only the first chapter is breaking out 😭????!!!!!!

In all seriousness, i enjoyed playing it (minus the driving), there were lots of different aspects genre wise. I do wish i could jump more freely however.

They have faces and it's very good

No idea what seasons I've actually played but i know that this one is really fun, i like that you have to wait for more of the battle pass and content to come out, so you actually have to play over a long time period - which hasn't been an issue so far as its been really fun to play ! Not sure when they made the app a 'platform' , but i think it has really helped in making the game more accessable to people who dont just want to play battle royale.
The leveling system hasn't been difficult at all as im nearly lvl 200, but it's just fun to play at the moment

Was really nice at the start, however after completing the first village it got a little slow, the game is missing something, not sure what but it lacks something that could make it more enjoyable after a long period of time

Used to call my brother gay for playing it, and now here i am a year later playing it on the daily .

I wish you could get the cool items that are locked by battle pass however, or at least the collaborations would be available more often

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I really really liked this game, there's not much i can fully say about it other than the graphics made me laught at times. Honestly one of my favourite playthroughs!

I sorta with there was a built in map for collecting the gems on that one planet, however it wasn't too difficult to find them all in the end.

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Played with my girlfriend and really enjoyed it actually. Not too much of a fan of tower defence games, however this was nice to play and didn't take too long either! Definitely good if you have an extra person to help :D

The biggest issue of the game is the trophies are very time consuming , and also wish there were more levels or challenges as , like i mentioned earlier, it didn't take that long to finish.

Overall very fun coop game , especially for anyone who likes the rac series!

I loved this game so much! It was really fun and in a way easy on the brain :] currently going through getting the platinum and it is a LITTLE challenging at parts, but overall the game, like most lego games, is really fun! Definitely recommend playing with a friend/partner however, as some parts are extremely difficult to do alone (i failed ).

The only reason i rated this a 4.5, was because of the controls, idk if it was my controller or just the game, but alot of times throughout the gameplay it didn't pick up my movements. The triangle button was especially difficult to use, however i found a quicker way to change between characters so it wasn't too frustrating in the end. Probably just a personal issue but it meant that everything was not, in fact, awesome (ーдー)

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I really enjoyed this game, it was a good plot and had me tense playing it. I wish there were more ways to collect power outlets as i had to really decide on one piece of equipment to fully upgrade, however this also made it more challenging!
One thing i didn't like were the controls and the fact you COULDN'T JUMP!!!! Or run, but this also made the gameplay much more tense also.

Overall it was a good experience

Overall was a good game, however it was slow to move and i got stuck alot of times unsure what exactly you were meant to do. It will take a frustratingly long time to 100% but you can at least chapter select so you're not forced to play the ENTIRE thing again.

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One of my favourite games so far. I love the story and the fact that it's open world to some extent. The tombs are very entertaining to complete and honestly wish there were more to the game.

My only downside, is that you can't chapter select so if you miss certain criteria for trophies you will have to play the game from the start again.

I also wish it was a longer game as i finished it quite quickly

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You're just a Dino dodging obstacles, that's all there is to it

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I LOVE this game. It's extremely peaceful and easy to play as it's an idle game.i love being able to customise each cat like they're my own and honestly it's just nice to watch them make soup. The music is also lovely! I would say that after a certain point in you can't do too much for a long time period, however that is quite common for any idle game